Sentences with phrase «who jot down»

I am one of those people who jot down ideas throughout the year so I remember what my friends want.
Furthermore, people who jotted down elaborate to - do details fell asleep the fastest.

Not exact matches

what is very interesting to me tonite is the folks who are positive there is no god... what is equally interesting is the snarling that appears whenever one does not «toe» the atheist line of no god... It has been said over and over here, «there is no proof of your God» ad nauseum I might add... OK... please, I am asking you in the nicest possible way... explain to me, without a Designed, where the universe and all it entails, first got its source... I really would like to know... from everything I see, I see beauty, design, tragedy, poetry, poverty, etc.... How did we begin to name or classify any of this... what intelligence gave us our intelligence... I have yet to see an anwer posited as to how it all came about, absent a Designer... I will wait for an answer... How did it ALL get here, and explain the precision and engineering of it all — right down to the last jot of DNA.
Did everyone who ever jotted down points on a pro vs. con list first study Socrates, Descartes, Kant, or Spinoza?
But Katie spoke up, and there was usually some young man jotting down the table talk — openly, and with the approval of the master who sometimes gave a specific direction about what to write.
It was Andy Warhol who in the early 1960s first put the virus under the microscope, identified what we're really dealing with and jotted down his findings in his diary before infecting the collective water supply:
For today I have racked my brain (sounds worse than it was) trying to think of all the players I've ever seen in a West Ham shirt whose surnames begin with G. I've managed to jot down 12 names, but they wouldn't make the best team as three of them, Green, Grotier, and Gregory (who was the first Hammers keeper I ever saw) were goalkeepers.
Memoir - in - progress For the woman who is always jotting down notes on napkins, get the colorful, embossed, faux - leather Pottery Barn Monthly Journal Set ($ 99).
re great too for those who still like jot things down (like me), the other warm weather gifts are perfect for when you don't know what to get!
Notebooks and Agendas are great too for those who still like jot things down (like me), the other warm weather gifts are perfect for when you don't know what to get!
There are so many men who sign up to a dating site, jot down a couple of sentences, refrain from uploading a pic, and then start sending women messages.
This exercise can be as simple as jotting down a few characteristics you're looking for, or you can even concoct an imaginary person who exemplifies everything that you want and keep them in mind as you write your profile.
Wings of Desire starts with a man jotting down the story of a universal child who didn't know it was a child.
The author's inspiration came from a story idea jotted down by Siobhan Dowd, a writer diagnosed with cancer who passed away before her story was completed.
Those students who take handwritten notes are generally much more engaged in the lecture and can also scribe notes in a way that makes them easy to understand, rather than jotting them down verbatim.
As he walked around the building, he jotted down maintenance problems and gave them to his secretary, who called the custodian.
Take some time to think about it and possibly jot down who you should be interacting with based on your particular niche or brand.
This pencil is only good for three iPad Pro models and is primarily designed for artists or people who need to constantly jot down notes or ideas.
Those who have ideas for writing report work fail to jot them down in the report writing assignments.
Those who had spent their college days listening to boring lectures and jotting down notes on paper notebooks will perhaps lament not having access to hi tech gadgetry that is fast catching up in colleges and other centers of learning.
These reviews are jotted down by the previous customers who have supposedly ordered papers from each of the providers.
So, take a moment right now to jot down some names of family members, co-workers, and friends who may be fans of crime and spy thrillers, or romantic suspense.
And who knows how many story ideas jotted down, rough drafts waiting their turn (noisily and obnoxiously), and series with potential future volumes...
Once the topic is narrowed down, the professional and the student who is taking help, jot down points that will constitute the introduction and main body of the essay on Islamic banking systems.
But this is a good article for the families of SP writers because for the most part those who don't write can't seem to understand the process, why it takes so long to «just jot down a story» and that it could be months, years or even never that you as the writer becomes known.
The 32X, a semi-32-bit add - on for the old console, was engendered almost entirely by the US R&D team — in fact, the original concept was designed by lead engineers Joe Miller and Marty Franz, who hastily jotted down the idea for a basic 32 - bit system on a piece of hotel notepaper while attending the Consumer Electronics show in 1994.
«As someone who enjoys improv quilting, I found myself poring over Sherri's book day after day, quickly jotting down notes and techniques to try with my next project.»
Best known as a painter, one who famously made a transition from Abstract Expressionism to a more representational style in the late 1960s, Guston used drawing as a way to jot down his ideas and explore the different styles he adopted.
That's why it is important to jot down notes about the accident as soon as you can, including where the incident occurred, the cause, who else was there and anything else you can remember.
Jot down who you would want to take charge of your estate, who you would want as guardian (s) for your children, and who are your beneficiaries.
For iPad owners who long for the ability to take notes by hand, the Notability app offers the freedom of jotting down handwritten notes without the fuss of keeping track of papers.
«Given that I do patent law, I find the most efficient way to do a drawing is to quickly jot it down on paper, take an image and send it to the people who render those images,» de Fazekas says.
That makes it a particularly useful machine for anyone who's grown used to jotting down notes or marking up images and presentations with Windows Ink.
Keep track of who you meet and jot down a note of any interaction you had that might be useful to refer back to in future.
This resume here is mostly about those students who are backed by huge research experience as you are getting maximum space to jot down about your research experience.
This can be effectively done by jotting down statements that define you as a competent person, who can handle challenging tasks, and come out shining.
This is because while some have very less to share, there are others who have a pool of imperative information to jot down.
But who has the time (or the wherewithal) to jot down the mileage when there are clients excited to see their next new home?
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