Sentences with phrase «who liberated»

This is how the denialist blogs will spin this: Thanks to their speaking truth to power, the intrepid hackers who liberated the secret emails, and the irresistible pressure on the elitist scientist cabal in recent days, Gavin has finally backed down and ordered his minions to release the closely guarded secret data and code.
The people who liberated Color Field painting were involved in changing ideas.
Unlike the artists today who have had ample exposure to generations of artists who liberated sculpture from strict formal principles, Gego and Mohamedi had to contend with the constrictions of formalist ideologues.
In beach side towns many streets are named after the forces who liberated them and there are markers on the sites of many of the most significant battles, such as the cliffs at Pointe du Hoc and the Pegasus Bridge, and off the coast from Arromanches you can still see the remains of the Mulberry harbour, which was the man made temporary harbour dragged from England that enabled a full scale invasion bypassing the heavily fortified ports.
Maybe you've got a friend who liberated these little guys from a lab or maybe your niece's mouse or rat had babies and she can't keep them all.
But it doesn't have any animal activist issues (OK, except for the idiots who liberated some farmed fish... which promptly died!).
Actress Audrey Tautou and designer Gabrielle «Coco» Chanel are both international symbols of modern French femininity — Chanel as the trend - setting couturier who liberated 20th century women with the simplicity and ease of her clothing, and Tautou as the single most recognizable French actress in the world, thanks to her captivating performances in films like 2001's Oscar - nominated Amelie and a little 2006 thriller called «The Da Vinci Code.
It is an uncomfortable fact that the soldiers who ran the Nazi death camps and the soldiers who liberated them were all acting under orders from superiors.
Although he is credited with leading New York out of an economic crisis as governor in the 1970s, Carey also was remembered as a World War II Army colonel who liberated concentration camps; a savvy lawmaker whose tenure on the House Ways and Means Committee prepared him for the economic challenges he would later face in Albany; and a compassionate chief executive who never turned his back on the underprivileged.
The Exodus movement was the historical beginning of opposition to any despotic and imperial rule over the people of God; and the covenant community is the first political and socio - economic expression of the Sovereignty of Yahweh, who liberated the Hebrew slaves from the land of Egypt.
In neighboring Austria on May 2, two group members laid a wreath at a monument to Soviet soldiers who liberated Vienna.
If the gospel is not preached with conviction — the convictions that humanity is in need of salvation and that Jesus is the Savior who liberates us into the fullness of our humanity and gives us eternal life — then the gospel will not be believed.
«This is a liberating work of the Spirit, who liberates the oppressed from their oppression, and liberates the oppressors from their oppressing, leading all to a new relationship of equality and freedom, in which each person is fully able to be who they were created to be without having to define themselves over and against others.
Yahweh is the Bridegroom who liberates Israel (humanity) from her barrenness by giving her life, making her fruitful.
«Hoy canto al Dios del Pueblo en mi guitarra, un canto de mujer que se libera» («Today I sing to the God of my people with my guitar, I sing a song of a woman who liberates herself»), sings Rosa Marta Zárate.
I am not ready to say they are satanically inspired, and I do know many people they seem to have helped, but I agree that ultimately, Jesus is the one who liberates us from what has enslaved us.
To understand God as the One who liberates oppressed people into a realization of their true social humanity, for example, can put us in a position to recognize the falsity of the social relationships our society imposes on us.

Not exact matches

For anyone who has never flown one of these, they can be liberating and exciting.
«You'd be amazed at what people who think they can't design their way out of a paper bag do when they're liberated from thinking» they can only put text on slides, he says.
The so - called program calls for 100 shipping containers with laptops, furniture, and Land Cruiser vehicles will be set up as makeshift, mobile police stations in Mosul and across five liberated provinces, Canadian Brig. Gen. D.J. Anderson, who is director of partner force development for coalition.
He recalls one executive who came back from Burning Man and liberated his designers from the business development team.
But having embraced him who is truth as the truth because they have entered into friendship with him, evangelical Catholics are liberated from the epidemic and soul - withering skepticism of postmodernity and are empowered to embrace the authority that Jesus represents and incarnates: the authority of the living God, who reveals himself in deed and word to the people of Israel, and who finally and definitively reveals himself in his Son.
Nothing is more liberating than realizing that your life is in your hands, and the impetus for being a good person comes from you and your own values, not from a deity in the sky who will punish you.
The best and most liberating article I've ever read about parenting is this one by Donald Miller, where he points out that parents who have great kids tend to be open and honest their faults.
But unlike so many modernists who thought the confused, fragmentary, dislocated qualities of modern experience are liberating (otherness!
May Jesus open your eyes to see the light.He's the way the truth and Life.May many pastors thru Gods help liberate many people who have various strong hold of addictions to be set free» (Pg 3, Christians really seem to like that «fool» quote)
Well, the last time Americans had a president who was psychologically «programmed» to ignore facts that didn't agree with his beliefs, the USA ended up wasting $ 1T in an illegal war to «liberate» 100's of billions of barrels of Iraqi oil (as many as 1.2 M people died in the process due to violence, disease & starvation resulting from the conflict), nearly $ 5T was added to the U.S. federal debt, a man with experience as the Judges and Stewards Commissioner for the International Arabian Horse Association was put in charge of the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA), the U.S. subprime credit «bubble» expanded hugely & then imploded, wiping out some $ 14T in global wealth & destroying millions of jobs, etc..
Christian women of a reformist orientation — who regard themselves as feminists and yet claim the Christian tradition as bearer of a liberating truth, capable of reform in a more humanizing direction — find themselves addressing sisters who share some fundamental positions but who reject some that are to the reformers at least of equal importance.
In the third place, Christianity recognizes that in this Jew, Jesus, the liberating God of the chosen people comes to all who are in need.
When constructing an aesthetic adapted to the changed situation, one must take as a starting point the work of the only Marxist theoretician who recognized the liberating potential of the new media.
Conservatives who fear that President Trump may be more like the decadent Belshazzar, feasting while the kingdom falls, than like the liberating Cyrus must pray that Lutherans remember the Two Kingdoms Doctrine.
On that particular Passover, however, the crowds began to acclaim Jesus as Messiah, understanding the Messiah, as many did, as a human being who would liberate the Jews from Rome.
How can I walk with my youth who are mostly the children of privilege, in ways that they see the liberating call of the Gospel.
In solidarity with the suffering, Jesus gave expression to his hope in the liberating God who has his preference in defending the poor and the dispossessed.
Lord Jesus, you are the centre towards which all things are moving: if it be possible, make a place for us all in the company of those elect and holy ones whom your loving care has liberated one by one from the chaos of our present existence and who now are being slowly incorporated into you in the unity of the new earth.
May all of us who feel vulnerable, for one reason or another, be reminded this week that we have an Advocate and Comforter, and that sometimes the hardest, most liberating thing to do is to listen, to obey, and to actually believe He's in our corner.
And as a woman, referring to God as She or as Mother serves as an important, liberating reminder that I am indeed created in the image of God, not as some lesser being who exists in perpetual subordination to men, but as an expression of God's very self.
America had become Egypt, white rulers Pharaohs, slaves the oppressed Israelites who would be liberated by bloody plagues sent from heaven.
You who batter us and then dress our wounds, you who resist us and yield to us, you who wreck and build, you who shackle and liberate, the sap of our souls, the hand of God, the flesh of Christ: it is you, matter, that I bless.
You say, you have been where I am now, and you got enlightened... So, why should I drag someone who got so liberated, back into a little simpleton's groundhog hole?
And there are increasing numbers of Christian businesspeople who are taking this challenge seriously and seeking not only to create jobs but to do so in ways that genuinely liberate other people's talents, without long - term ties.
Even a small taste of this radical shift liberates your heart and mind to serve God freely and be who he called you to be.
Expressing concern that India was «splinter [ing] along the lines of religious faith,» he observed that «religious faiths of all types have, on occasion, been targeted by other people of faith, simply due to their heritage and their beliefs — acts of intolerance that would have shocked Gandhi, the person who helped to liberate the nation.»
Interestingly, if you read very much about self - discipline, you will discover that those who are best at it consider it to be quite liberating.
True, every man today who is open to experience knows that God is absent, but only the Christian knows that God is dead, that the death of God is a final and irrevocable event, and that God's death has actualized in our history a new and liberated humanity.
because the Christian lives in the fully incarnate body of Christ, he acknowledges the totality of our experience as the consummation of the kenotic passion of the Word, and by giving himself to the Christ who is present to us he is liberated from the alien power of an emptied and darkened transcendence.
By coming to know the total presence of God in the Incarnation, Blake and every radical Christian is liberated from the God who is wholly other than man, and likewise liberated from the authority of a heteronomous law and an autonomous Creator.
(By liberated, of course, I mean relatively liberated, one who is incessantly struggling to become liberated; no one is completely liberated.)
All too naturally the major thrust of contemporary theology has been to dissociate Jesus and the Word, either to apprehend a Word that is wholly isolated from the Church's memory of Jesus or to affirm a Jesus who is liberated from the Word of the Church.
Can a male minister counsel in a liberating fashion with the women members of his congregation, who invariably make up the bulk of his counseling load?
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