Sentences with phrase «who makes more money»

A man who makes more money than his wife can spend.
A study of 2,757 participants from the National Longitudinal Survey of Youth examined how spouses» relative earnings (i.e., who makes more money) influences likelihood of cheating.
The stronger party is the weaker one in court, and the stronger party is the one who makes more money.
When parents share custody, the parent who pays child support will typically be the one who makes more money.
Team members also may resent giving to someone who makes more money than they do.
As Antonucci points out, union leaders appear to define rich as «anyone who makes more money than I do.»
In Ukrainian families it sometimes does not even matter who makes more money.
Unfortunately, we live in a society where men are often reticent to date a woman who makes more money than them, because they are afraid of what others will have to about it.
The guy doesn't have to pay for every date anymore, and neither does the person who makes more money.
Identity politics can co-exist with the corporate boss who makes more money in a week than his cleaner takes home in a year — as long as the chances of being the boss are assigned proportionally among different ethnic groups, sexualities and genders.
My husband gets a lot more attention and respect when it comes to buying cars than I do — even though I'm the one who makes more money, the loan comes from me, and I know cars.
Marriage has become a system where the person who makes more money, shall pay the lesser earner enough so that incomes are rendered equal in the eyes of the state.
It's always tempting to look away when Jesus speaks to us of wealth, convincing ourselves that the rich young ruler is someone else who makes more money than we do.
Lenders don't favor applicants who make more money.
Personally I think it is false to say that people who make more money are just more important or better simply because they make more money.
or those people who make more money than me..
A whopping 37 percent of those breadwinners are wives who make more money than their husbands.
True internally for Amazon and other retailers, who make more money in total from books that sell two or three copies a day than from bestsellers, it's also true for broader resources on the internet.
We've got ta have a public energy system — not rely on companies motivated by private profit who make more money when they sell more electricity or fuel.
The analysis also revealed that tweets from those who make more money are likelier to express fear or anger.
«People who make more money may have fewer worries,» Lauderdale suggested, «or they may have more control over their sleep environment.»
Single men aren't scared of an educated and intellectual career woman, with 90 % willing to date a woman who made more money than they did and 87 % would date someone more intellectual than they are.
Since I choose to date people who make more money than myself, that makes it transactional?
I can't say who made more money on umbrella rentals that day or if their different work styles made one bit of difference in that outcome, but it made me wonder about what happens when trainees leave us and go out to work on their own.
There's a lot of «People who make more money make more money» bias in the survey.
I realize this would be difficult to manage, but it would make access to the law better, and those who make more money pay more tuition, just at a later date.
«There is a huge group of «sandwich» accused people who make more money than the legal aid cut - off, yet not enough to pay two, three or four thousand dollars or more for lawyer fees.»
The income tax system in the United States is progressive, which means that people who make more money payer a higher percentage in taxes.

Not exact matches

You want a CPA who is as hungry as you are to make more money.
«Most people are in prison because they didn't know how to make enough money legally,» says Jackson, who has more than a decade left in his sentence at Green Haven.
It will be a money - making opportunity, both for entrepreneurs who dream of growing a business and politicians who will be more than happy to tax it.
There are plenty of independent financial advisers out there who - unlike the banks - aren't intent on making more money flogging their own proprietary investment products.»
People who have developed the right mental disciplines make more money, stretch their abilities more than their peers, enjoy higher positions at work, command more respect and form more meaningful pro...
People who make money from selling food realize they make more money by triggering reflexive responses than by satisfying the interests of people who distinguish between yummy and delicious.
People who need help with aging parents or disabled family members save money over using traditional agencies, and health care professionals can make more money with no middleman involved.
«A bigger move, say outside of a 20 percent band, might destroy confidence and make it harder for small business to raise money, or even to sell to larger companies who might be more worried about their viability, or ability to deliver on orders placed.»
This means that when you start a business, you have a lot more to risk than someone who makes less money and has fewer career options.
Who doesn't want to make more money?
And it's not as if Williams doesn't have the money (he made a reported $ 50 million selling Blogger to Google) or the connections (Twitter's angel investors read like a who's who of Silicon Valley) to attempt something more ambitious.
In 2011, Mayor Michael Bloomberg hired the city's first - ever chief digital officer, Rachel Sterne, who was a 27 - year - old entrepreneur and Columbia Business School prof, to help the city use technology to better serve citizens and save taxpayer money by making services more efficient and accessible online.
Those who have more of education tend to make more money while also filling the skills gap that undermines America's ability to compete globally.
Authorities have described Baratov as an «international hacker - for - hire» who hacked more than 11,000 webmail accounts from around 2010 until his March 2017 arrest and used the money he made — roughly $ 1.1 million at about $ 100 per hacking victim — to finance a $ 650,000 home and fancy cars, including a Lamborghini and Aston Martin.
In addition to serving as a guide for tech - hungry entrepreneurs, this infographic can serve as a resource for software engineers who are looking to strategically up their skillset and make more money.
I agreed immediately, since I would be making a little more money with him and anyone else who moved up to the larger quantity.
Even the lowest - ranking manager on Alpha magazine's expanded top - 50 list made more money in 2016 than any big United States bank executive, including Jamie Dimon of J. P. Morgan, Lloyd Blankfein of Goldman Sachs and James Gorman of Morgan Stanley, all of who have been criticized for their big paychecks.
Businesses want people who make money — and are in a position to make even more.
Even employees working full time for a single company who find themselves only working 30 hours a week could choose to add freelance projects on the side to stay busy, make more money, or expand their experience in the industry.
Whatever his role, Mike — who is now worth a jaw - dropping $ 31 billion, according to Forbes — will probably focus more on boosting his influence than on making money.
And what if you find out that the person sitting next to you, who does the exact same thing, is making more money?
Entrepreneurs were also more likely to increase their fortunes during the recession compared with those with inherited wealth or those who made their money from investments and savings.
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