Sentences with phrase «who meet the claiming»

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The new California «Uber for kids» companies claim there are benefits to working with them for drivers who can meet their loftier standards.
There, I meet Louis, a garrulous 22 - year - old from New Haven who claims to have mastered wrapping flowers to the point of ennui.
Jerker Denrell, a Stanford professor, tells Freeman that the notion of this sort of advice transforming a company is «as unlikely a proposition as that of a swimming coach who claims that any swimmer taking her suggestions will win swim meets
Papadopoulos further told the FBI that he met with a Russian woman who claimed to be a relative of Russian President Vladimir Putin — Papadopoulos described her as Putin's «niece» in one email — before he joined the campaign, but he actually met her on March 24, according to the special counsel's office.
The cast of characters he meets includes con artists, pimps, and Israeli intelligence agents — or at least, people who claim to be, online.
Among those bad decisions, Republicans said, was the meeting at Trump Tower in June 2016, in which Donald Trump Jr. hosted a Russian lawyer who claimed to have damaging information about Hillary Clinton.
The exclusion may be claimed by any «taxpayer» who meets the statutory requirements.
In March, 2017 there were media reports of «hundreds of current and former TD Bank Group employees» who described feeling pressured to meet high sales goals, with some claiming to have raised credit and overdraft limits without customer consent.
Previously, Witkoff had engaged in condo conversions at 150 Charles Street, which was met with protest by West Village residents who claimed that Witkoff had violated zoning rules during the conversions.
How can we claim to follow someone we know through the words of someone who never met him and who didn't even have the benefit of the things written about him?
Saying that is like saying that if we destroyed all the textbooks and anyone who claimed to personally have met George Washington or talked about him, then he would not exist.
Some of the least christian people I've ever met are those who claim they are evangelical followers of Christ.
The atheist who claims to come from a «faith» background is extremely confused and more to be pitied than admired.Had the supposed «believer» continued in the «faith» they claim to have forsaken, they would ultimately have appeared before God and been rejected.These were deceived, they never met God, they never knew God and they never understood God.They are devoid of the Truth and twice lost.There is hope while they still breathe Gods gift of life that they might someday meet and be reconciled to God, but their lying nature makes salvation less likely.Debate with them is an exercise in futility.God bless
Bit if I met a person who did not believe he existed I would not claim that person hated George Washington... how could they?
• Prior to the election, some Iranian commentators claimed that the so - called reformer Hossein Moussavi would actually end up taking a stronger line against the United States than President Ahmadinejad, who was widely denounced by hard - line clerics for agreeing to meet with Barack Obama.
My wife and I were last night called by a family friend to pray with her about her daughter who would disappear from home and when she re-appears, she is kind of confused, claiming to have been followed by a certain girl they met in school and tried recruiting her to devil worship.
I have yet to meet anyone who claims to have been convinced that what the Bible says is true, or who claims to have been convinced about the correctness of a particular interpretation of any Biblical passage by someone who wanted to argue those points.
They are still stuck in the Old Testament and though they claim to know Yeshua, they haven't met Him yet, not everyone, but the ones who judge and can not accept another human being for what he or she really are.
Paul... the man who never even claimed to have met Jesus.
The people I was working with told me they had met up with one of the militia who claimed to be filled with the Holy Spirit.
I have never met an Atheist or Scientist who is a absolutely sure of same things that you claim you are so absolutely sure of and you have not one shred of convincing evidence of any of this, which you are so absolutely sure of.
The same Paul who never actually met Jesus, but claims to have had a «vision» and fell off a horse (another unsubstantiated claim.)
I am a Muslim, and live in a Muslim country, and I have yet to meet anyone who openly celebrates 9/11 in the streets, as you claim.
The atheist professor with docorate degree of course who claims he can change our belief in God on our first class meeting by the end of semester challenged Jesus» birth date, but didn't challenge the use of our year from the time Jesus» death which probably wasn't January 1st either, lol.
Citing the Nicaraguan poet Ruben Darió, who «once cried that his soul was the object of contention «between the cathedral and pagan ruins,»» Ramos claims, «When the two heritages met they could not be combined in... a new synthesis....
It means also that we meet him as one who claims our willing, grateful obedience to his will.
To the person who claims he never met a Mormon serving in the military.
That such people have any rational basis for their skepticism is out of the question, of course, and Dawkins tells us exactly what to think of them: «It is absolutely safe to say that if you meet somebody who claims not to believe in evolution, that person is ignorant, stupid, or insane (or wicked, but I'd rather not consider that).»
The churches who claim they need to be the ones the people come to always have a criteria and if you don't meet it, you don't qualify.
Because he conceives radically the idea of the grace of God, he makes it plain that God's forgiveness must be for man an event in time, that the relation of «I» and «Thou» exists between God and man, that God stands opposite to man as another Person over whom the man can have no sort of control, who meets man with His claim and with His grace, whose forgiveness is pure gift.
I find your explanation of Allah interesting in light of another worldwide religion which was invented by a man who claimed that he saw / met an angel with golden pages readable only through special glasses, which disappeared and whose existence can never be proven that set down.
If modern day Talibangelical Christians were to go back in time and meet a smelly dark skinned, bare foot, sweaty, nappy haired guy carpenter who claimed to be the son of god and had come to save humanity they would spit upon and look down their nose at him.
But when someone falls in love with God, who reveals himself in Jesus Christ, they do not make the absolute claim of having met the most beautiful person for me, but the most beautiful person period.
'' I've yet to meet any baptist, methodist, charasmatic, presbyterian, lutheran, etc., who claims that those not within their denomination is not a Christian.»
During ten years in high school and college ministry and education, including two years of ministry in a residence hall of undergraduates, I met very few students who wrestled with the claims of the New Atheists in any depth.
The meeting was interrupted by clergy from a local black Baptist alliance, who were angered by my claim that black churches, along with many other groups, were having trouble writing effective grant proposals or administering and evaluating social programs.
======= @tallulah13 «The bible contradicts itself hundreds of times, and in fact, the bulk of the new testament was written by a man who never even met the person for whom he claims to speak.»
I have met people who claim a label - evangelical or atheist - until you really get to know them.
I saw a cultural Christianity with preachers who often gained audiences, locally in church meetings or globally on television, by saying crazy and buffoonish things, simply to stir up the base and to gain attention from the world, whether that was claiming to know why God sent hurricanes and terrorist attacks or claiming that American founders, one of whom possibly impregnated his own human slaves and literally cut the New Testament apart, were orthodox, Evangelical Christians who, like us, stood up for traditional family values.
I have never met an atheist who claims to know for certain whether there are any gods.
I've met a lot of people who claimed to believe, and seen most of them lie, cheat or steal in the end.
No one living today (or the past two thousand years — or so) has personally met any so - called deity, as described in the many religious tomes; nor has anyone living today any idea what lies beyond the grave — even those who claim otherwise; because, like any other living being today, no one has actually died and returned to describe their experiences, whether good or bad.
He joined the Society for Human and Spiritual Understanding, a pseudo-church that met on Sunday mornings in a small sanctuary - style room to practice meditation and listen to the pronouncements of a trance medium through whom, it was claimed, spoke the voice of an Egyptian priest who had lived 3,500 years be-fore.
He met several people who claimed to be psychic, including a middle - aged taxi driver named Swifty whose spiritual pilgrimage was being directed, so he said by Carl Jung and the ancient Egyptian architect Imhotep.
Agreed: «don't let the left hand know what the right hand is doing...» Those who «show» their faith, whether through their profession (Pastor, Missionary) or pious works (church board, conference speaker), can only be assessed as more sincere if there is evidence they were religious / pious / faithful when no one was looking (Pope John Paul II never confirmed this, but as a young priest, it was reported he worked in the Polish underground to save many Jewish children from the Nazi's, years later, he was visiting Israel and a woman who claimed he was the priest who saved her from the Nazis stepped forward to meet him, he blessed her, yet never did confirm or deny if he had played the part of a hero).
Scholars who are confronted with claims about culture and cultural prerequisites have increasingly had to consider precisely what avenues are available to meet increased demands for democratization and rights, to ensure participation.
I love anything with sweet potatoes, but my meat - eating husband who has claimed he «absolutely hates sweet potatoes» since the day I met him was his usual skeptical self when I told him what was on the dinner menu that night.
Mr Lord, who will be hosting a series of meetings with WCB shareholders and suppliers this week, dismissed Mr Helou's claims.
I didn't meet any experts at IRRI who claimed that their project would solve all or even a majority of the vitamin A deficiency problem worldwide.
Years ago, I met a man who claimed to be able to take the heat out of his pickled jalapenos.
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