Sentences with phrase «who puts him in a good mood»

Not exact matches

One study, in particular, that was made on 60 subjects, put the same subjects through stressful situations and found that the ones who took whey protein had much fewer depression symptoms and seemed to be in a much better mood than the people who didn't take it.
Even a little extra awareness for the farmer, animal, or person who brought the meal to your table makes a simple meal relaxing, and puts you in the best mood for digesting.
It puts me in a better mood and makes me feel prettier, and who doesn't love to feel prettier?
Im very funny ppl say im always tryn to put ppl in good moods I kant stand ppl who r always mad or grumpy I need sumone to keep me in line too lol
«The «in» side were little better: the Britain Stronger In Europe misread the mood of the nation, as did the British prime minister David Cameron who disgracefully put his party before the countrin» side were little better: the Britain Stronger In Europe misread the mood of the nation, as did the British prime minister David Cameron who disgracefully put his party before the countrIn Europe misread the mood of the nation, as did the British prime minister David Cameron who disgracefully put his party before the country.
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