Sentences with phrase «who read the study»

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He explained that some time ago he was conducting an empirical study of street prostitutes in the city of Chicago, and, through a connection at a company he was consulting with, met a high - end call girl who had read «Freakonomics,» and who was willing to help him with his study by providing data.
They read books, watch documentaries, study educational materials and talk to others who can give them more information.
The guitarist who combines the two knowledge types will be better than those who only read about playing and those who practice without studying the greats.
Several studies have found that people who read show higher levels of empathy and emotional intelligence and are more likely to stay mentally sharp.
The study's authors had 161 participants (who were almost exactly split between men and women) first read a passage in their normal voices to get baseline measures of their voices for things like loudness and pitch.
According to research conducted at the University of Toronto, study participants who read short - story fiction experienced far less need for «cognitive closure» compared with counterparts who read nonfiction essays.
«In a lot of stories you read, it regresses back to happy talk at the end — there was a problem, we solved it and now it's all fixed,» says Michael Freeman, a psychiatrist who is studying the personality traits of entrepreneurs at University of California, San Francisco.
And the study participants who frequently read for pleasure made the highest gains on the test.
I read a terrific study by Richard Charnin, who is a mathematician, a liberal Democrat, an eccentric but brilliant guy, who concludes on the basis of the exit polls and the actual vote on a precinct - by - precinct basis that the swing can not be that wide without widespread voter fraud.
In one experiment from our study, participants read about Barbara, who works in an office and behaves in a neutral manner — neither overly nice nor overly nasty.
Older adults who volunteered to help children with reading and writing tended to experience less memory loss and maintain greater physical mobility, one study suggested.
He remembers reading a story about a boy from Chicago who studied in Weimar Germany, and his parents sent him tuition and rent money every month.
If you haven't read the Understanding B2B Buyers 2016 Benchmark Study, you may not know that companies who exceed revenue and lead goals are more effective at creating, using, and consistently maintaining personas than those who miss their targets.
It's not that I don't feel like I can, I can... but is that in the vocabulary of the one who I worship, if it's not then why would I as His Son want to take on what is not His, my Father's nature... The versions of the Bible I've read seem to think that words are powerful and speaking them is an action and can even change physics if used properly... Again, the scriptures speak for themselves and circumventing the topical study with christiany cliche come - backs doesn't answer or annul anything that the Word has to say on the matter.
Yet you, someone who has probably read a few Wikipedia pages and thrown in a few things you've heard throughout his life into his opinion is right and everyone that actually studies biology is wrong?
I haven't had time to study them all, but think it would be interesting for Christians to read them, present counter-opinions, and see if the whole experience changes their understanding of who God is.
Among those who were truly Catholic writers according to Ker's rigorous definition» including Robert Hughe Benson and Maurice Baring» Ker's six stand out because they are still widely read and studied by Catholics and non-Catholics alike.
* Americans don't read Russian literature or study history Dostoyevsky's «The Idiot» was about a man (representing Christ) who was locked away in an insane asylum in Switzerland.
Because so many haven't actually read or studied the Bible or Quran they are easily led about by extremists who give the impression of having «true» knowledge and this isn't likely to change soon.
I am a Mormon who has actually read the Book of Mormon, and I encourage anyone with doubts or questions to actually read it for themselves and study the churches teachings from primary sources — the scriptures, words of the prophets, the church itself — rather than trusting 3rd party interpretations or claims of understanding Mormonism.
You know very well that not a single Christian is under the Law of Moses... the only ones (or so it seems) who argue that O.T. laws apply to Christians are atheists — who may have read the Bible, but never truly studied it.
If you read the actual study you'll see that it didn't study Christians or atheists but people who follow Christians on twitter and people who follow atheists on Twitter.
As a study of the religious perspectives of the men (and women) who went on Crusade, this primarily administrative history is perhaps the best book I have read Neither of these volumes, however, reflects the broadening of perspective that has internationalized the idea of the Crusades.
I'm looking to eventually teach theology, but in between my personal studies, an obsessive reading habit, and spending far too much money on coffee, I started a blog called New Ways Forward as an outlet for some of my random thoughts and a way to interact with others who share a passion for theology, Biblical studies, and social justice.
Truth be told, I feel a bit out of my depth when I speak with «real feminists,» the kind who have actually studied feminist theory, who have read deeply and broadly about issues related to gender equality.
Good read, I just passed this onto a pal who was undertaking somewhat study on that.
For those who do not read ancient Hebrew, Aramaic, and Greek, we must study the research and opinions of biblical scholars who do and who have access to the biblical source documents.
'» All in all, the book makes fascinating reading, and should be studied by those who want to discover more about the present configurations of marriage among Christians of all denominations.
For starters, that kind of principle will inevitably mean that those who study the bible beliving in it will think it says something completely different than others who read it.
Still, though, we acknowledge that it is culturally and religiously important, and there are those of us who still read and study it with some regularity, through the lens of Progressive Christianity and our own faith history.
In theological studies, however, I frequently encounter people who read a text of Scripture that seems difficult to them and their preconceived ideas of what should be in the Bible, and when they read these troublesome texts, they jump straight to the conclusion that best fits their current theological system.
Anyone who has even studied the Bible in a cursory manner can see that Christ came to «fulfill, not abolish» (Mt. 5:17), and Christ taught about a variety of things his followers should do; otherwise, the Gospels would have simply read «The Torah is obsolete; go now, and live as you please.»
Those who think of marriage counseling as an exclusively modern phenomenon may be surprised to read that Gregory counsels those who are married to «study to please» their sexual partner.5 Partners in marriage are above all counseled «to bear with mutual patience the things in which they sometimes displease each other «6 (cf. Gal.
With a number of fellow pastors who became lifelong friends, Rauschenbusch studied, read, talked, debated and plumbed the new social theories of the day, especially those of the non-Marxist socialists whom John C. Cort has recently traced in Christian Socialism (Orbis, 1988) The pastors wove these theories together with biblical themes to form» «Christian Sociology,» a hermeneutic of social history that allowed them to see the power of God's kingdom being actualized through the democratization of the economic system (see James T. Johnson, editor, The Bible in American Law, Politics and Rhetoric [Scholars Press, 1985]-RRB- They pledged themselves to new efforts to make the spirit of Christianity the core of social renewal at a time when agricultural - village life was breaking down and urban - cosmopolitan patterns were not yet fully formed.
There are many Christians who go through life caring only about attending the next Bible study, going to the next church service, and reading the next Christian best seller.
And for those who aren't Christian, it's safe to assume you haven't read the Bible all the way through, nor studied it's authors, nor its history because even many Christians haven't.
As someone who has studied scripture all my life, has taken numerous theology courses and done extensive reading I must agree that this is an accurate interpretation of the bible.
Interestingly, studies have shown that an enormous number of Christians who claim to have «studied» or «read» the Bible have actually never read the whole thing.
But I do know for sure that all who read and study the Bible will be blessed.
Each biblical statement is a sentence which must be understood in terms of the vocabulary and grammar of its original language (Hebrew, Aramaic or Greek), but the better modern translations, such as the Revised Standard Version, have made it possible for one who understands English vocabulary and grammar to read and study the Bible without being seriously misled on most points.
There are Christians who don't read and study the bible much.
The interpretation developed in the base Christian communities was paralleled by the work of theologians and biblical scholars, who articulated the principles of liberation hermeneutics in a series of important studies (see, especially Leonardo Boff and Clodovis Boff, Introducing Liberation Theology, and J. Severino Croatto, Biblical Hermeneutics: Toward a Theory of Reading in the Production of Meaning).
As I read and study more, I will add to my own rough outline on my computer and who knows....
Because if not, then you can be very glad that there are scholars and pastors who study and research Greek and Hebrew, because they are the only reason you are able to read a Bible in English so that you can supposedly believe what it «plainly means.»
It's pretty bad when, despite all our Bible study, prayer, and theological reading and writing, we have to learn about grace from those who don't believe in God, who have been kicked out of our churches, and who feel only judgment and condemnation from us.
Those who merely read about College, without studying the careful manner in which that judgment is supported, may indeed fear that it provides a foundation for the blustery attacks on higher education by the secretary of education.
You are so wrong - the majority of those of us who criticize it, have read it, studied it, identified as christian at some point in our lives, been there, done that and bought the T - shirt.
The people who read this blog think worse of Obama than the swing guy does — and studies back me up on this.The real charge against Obama that's sticking like glue is that he's CLUELESS — not that he's an EVILDOER.
Before Islam they worship idols After worshiping the one absolute God Before Islam they didn't know Jesus or Mary or any prophets After Islam who deny Jesus or Mary become blasphemer Before no payers no charity no family relation After Islam it become must Before Islam us - u-ry and slavery adultery was common After Islam got forbidden Before Islam women has no value and all her property to her husband After Islam become her own she can do what she like within Islamic laws Before Islam the girls - child were buried alive After Islam no girls - child were buried alive Before Islam no laws or guidance to people After Islam established the laws or guidance to people (sharia) Before Islam tribes killing each others After Islam they became brothers Before Islam there was no education After Islam became must and first word came to Muhammad from the angle was (read) Before Islam no scientific study After Islam seculars in chemistry and math the no. 1234 are Arabic and innovated the ZERO Before Islam they were tribes After Islam became empire from Spain to china And More.......
Now these theories are interesting, although as theories they are indemonstrable and can only be accepted on the basis of a particular way of reading the New Testament material, differing according to the assumptions of those who study this material.
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