Sentences with phrase «who studied»

«I was glad I wasn't there for the Troubles,» says Gillespie, 74, who studied at Queen's.
Since the unveiling a year ago, Roma have made some slow progress on the new facility The mafia corruption scandal at city hall played in their favor, neutralizing their opponents on the council and empowering Mayor Ignazio Marino, a surgeon who studied in the United States and whose outsider status in Roman politics kept him clear of the dirty business.
«Now the Dawgs have hired Kirby Smart, a relentless recruiter and defensive coordinator who studied at the knee of Sith Lord Saban.
Founder Liu Yang, who studied cheese making in France, said he opened the business to tap into China's growing demand for quality dairy products.
The Micro Motion mass flow meters are based on a principle called the Coriolis force, named after the French physicist who studied it extensively in the first half of 1800s.
The main scientist who studied manuka honey, Dr. Peter Molan, called this the Unique Manuka Factor (UMF).
Was that someone who studied nutrition in college, or someone who studied marketing (and maybe had a roommate who owned a grow - light)?
As we know and also people who studied chemistry they say that acid cuts fat.
He was an athiest who studied the history of the exodus.
A Korean who studied and taught in the USA, his work has been pretty much ignored in scholarly dialogue.
Rusty Reno, who studied with George Lindbeck at Yale, is best known for his book In the Ruins of the Church: Sustaining Faith in an Age of Diminished Christianity (Brazos).
So those who studied Great Times with Eliade or who had great times with Mead were long being pushed to clarify the concept.
How coincidental, I just posted on «My Pathetic Deconversion» as a tribute to people like yourself who studied so much deeper, were committed for so much longer and had so much more to lose by leaving their Christianity.
Jonas Jørgensen is a theologian from Denmark who studied at the United Theological College, Bangalore, India as an Ecumenical Student, and now works for the International Association for Mission Studies.
Michael Fragoso is a policy analyst at the Family Research Council who studied classics and medieval studies at Princeton University.
Two persons who studied with Adler did what he himself was unable to do — systematically organized his thoughts on critical issues.
«While state policies and the actions of extremist groups often mask the high levels of tolerance in the minds of ordinary Arabs, the typical citizen in this region expresses a great deal of support for tolerant policies,» said Michael Hoffman, who studied religious minorities as part of the Religious Freedom Project at Georgetown's Berkley Center for Religion, Peace, and World Affairs.
It is interesting to use the idea that atheists who studied the Bible or went to Sunday school and call themselves Christians.
For example, Harvard theologian Ronald Thiemann, who studied under Frei, objects that the cultural - linguistic model makes talk about the «text» stand in place of Christian talk about God; Yale biblical scholar Brevard Childs rejects Lindbeck's talk about the text creating its own world.
We have a saying in Lancashire (my home county) that was originally attributed to a New Zealand lexicographer who studied in Manchester (lancashire)-- so he could well have heard it from some local folk.
Studies of 19th - century topics (with concern for contemporary relevance) have been undertaken by Gayle Carlton Felton, who examined Methodist baptismal teaching and practices in the previous century (Duke, 1987), and by Carol Marie Norén, who studied the doctrine of Christian perfection as expressed in the preaching of a Swedish - American Methodist preacher of sanctification, Nels O. Westergreen (Princeton University, 1986) A dissertation on 19th - century Methodist services for marriage and burial is currently under way at Notre Dame by Karen Westerfield Tucker.
A psychiatrist who studied the effects of the school desegregation conflict on children in the Deep South reports: «I have been struck by how clearly young Negro children foresee the bleak future of their lives.
As we made our way through the soul of the Old City to Jaffa Gate, my companion, a super-Sabra who studied mathematics and philosophy at Hebrew University, asked me the inevitable question.
CT's past coverage of Germany includes interviews with a cabinet member in chancellor Angela Merkel's government about evangelical political engagement, a German church planter who studied under Tim Keller, and a Berlin - based journalist who says that Martin Luther would have driven most of Germany's bishops from their pulpits.
Another distinguished Indian theologian who studied Marx's views on religion was Fr.
There were five young Frenchmen who studied at the (Protestant) School of Theology in Lausanne.
By the way, I'm the author of the book 300 Times 0 who studied for 16 years to be an Orthodox Jewish Rabbi so I would hope I know a thing or two about Judaism.
The person who studied the classics at home, who wrote poetry in the early hours, or who listened in private to Beethoven quartets was, in my little patch of suburban England, no more to be despised than the expert in tarot cards, the amateur acrobat, or the breeder of exotic chickens.
His books, journalism, and television appearances earned him a good deal of money to support his children and three wives, and Kathleen Burk, who studied with Taylor, devotes much attention to who paid him how much for what.
He is a former Christian bible scholar who studied the bible and found the mistakes and became an agnostic.
Handel, who studied neuroscience, is known as an obsessive researcher.
Who studied the Bible and changed from non-believer to believer as a result?
You said, «Who studied the Bible and changed from non-believer to believer as a result?
Jefferson was a Deist, who studied christianity, editing his own «bible», which was actually just the New Testament gospels, after deleting «the mysticism».
Rick Perry and Michele Bachmann, two presidential candidates who sparred over the issue of Texas vaccinations, may be floundering in the polls, but the topic of Merck's controversial Gardasil is heating up — with an Austrian physician who studied the drug saying it is not only dangerous, but useless in reducing cervical cancer, the stated reason it was administered to young girls at the behest of Gov. Perry.
Venture capitalists are, in a way, the gatekeepers to Silicon Valley, and if they are a group of white men who studied at places like Stanford, it is no wonder that most of the entrepreneurs fit the same mold.
Moira Burke, who studied 1,200 Facebook users, found that personalized messages are more satisfying to the receiver than a simple Like.
John Mutter, a disaster expert at Columbia University who studied the death toll in the aftermath of Hurricane Katrina, told Vox that he suspects the death toll in Puerto Rico from Maria will reach into the hundreds.
And none of the great economists who studied this stuff and taught it to our children understand it either, so we just do the best we can
In the words of economists Jason Matthew DeBacker, Bradley Heim, Shanthi Ramnath, and Justin Ross, who studied the change, «the behavioral responses were overwhelmingly tax avoidance rather than real supply side responses.»
But perhaps the classic entrepreneurial company is a pure technology play: Tonbo Imaging, a Bangalore - based company launched by Arvind Lakshmikumar, an engineer who studied at India's Birla Institute of Technology and at Carnegie Mellon.
If Ontario is to continue to grow, we also need the skilled immigrants who studied here to stay here.
Many people believe that tech founders are young, technical experts who studied at a prominent local university.
He remembers reading a story about a boy from Chicago who studied in Weimar Germany, and his parents sent him tuition and rent money every month.
Graham offers this quote from Lucile Tomlinson, who studied and wrote a book on different formula investment plans:
Overall, concluded political scientist Yun - han Chu, who studied Asian Barometer surveys about East Asians» commitment to democracy, «authoritarianism remains a fierce competitor of democracy in East Asia,» in no small part because of the influence of China's ability to foster economic success without real political change, providing an alternative model that is clearly visible to other East Asians, who travel to China, work with Chinese companies, buy Chinese products, and host Chinese officials.
You make a poor career choice: There are too many people out there who studied for a degree they regret or even spent their lives pursuing a career they regret.
That's the finding of Adam Grant, a Wharton professor who studied the training given to 71 new call center employees of a Midwestern software firm.
Cain notes Brigham Young professor of management Bradley Agle, who studied CEOs of 128 major companies and found that those considered charismatic by their top executives had bigger salaries but not better corporate performance.
Useem describes the evolution of dynamic pricing since the mid-1990s — «eBay was Disneyland,» says one economist who studied consumer habits there.
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