Sentences with phrase «who take the effort»

Thanks to Michael who took efforts towards posting this informative review that will be serving useful to several readers & investors.
Thank you to all who took the effort to read what I wrote, regardless what you may thought of it, and apologise if the answers were not adequate.
We want the ones who take the effort to come in and look at real estate as a career first.

Not exact matches

«It's meant to take a lot of the pain, effort and scariness of investing out as much as possible, especially for those who are not super sophisticated,» he says.
To get ahead in the branding game, here are tips for helping you focus your business's efforts on these young and impressionable adults who are still willing to take accept you as one of their brands.
Part of the reason is that it can take years to access prison rehabilitation programs if you have a longer sentence because people with shorter sentences get priority; despite recent national efforts to make opioid antidotes and addiction treatments more widely accessible, many prisons still don't have these programs in place, leaving addicts who make it out of prison far more susceptible to relapse.
Munoz, who took the helm at United in 2015 as part of an effort to improve customer relations, has faced calls to step down after referring to Dao as «disruptive and belligerent» in a statement following the incident.
Sofge, who stressed coalition forces» efforts to avoid civilian casualties, said the actual process likely takes less time to complete than it does to describe, in part because of the experience they have doing it and because parts of it happen concurrently.
A mechanical engineer by training, Burns, who proved herself a quick study and an outspoken colleague, blew through the ranks — taking on product development, business planning and a series of managerial roles that in 2000 put her at the center of Xerox's restructuring efforts.
«Philosophically, investors [who employ core and satellite] are saying, «For the majority of my portfolio, I want to be well diversified and I want it to perform like the market, but I like the idea of taking some risk in an effort to outperform,»» said Michael Iachini, vice president and head of manager research at Charles Schwab Investment Advisory.
It was the third child of Rattan Chadha, who took the initials of his first and second efforts — a men's brand called «Moustache» and a women's brand called «Emanuelle» — and sealed the match with two kisses to give birth to «Mexx.»
It takes effort to see the bigger picture, but it's an effort well worth making, if only so we don't become like most investors (other than Buffett) who freak out and sell when the market is on the way down, or fear missing out and buy when the market is nearing its peak.
«We were able to put a ton of effort early on into making this buildable,» says Jim Daly, the fellow who took the job.
The largest carriers seem to be competing for who can treat customers the worst — by taking away perks like free checked luggage (and even carry - ons) and charging you to sit with your children — in an effort to further increase profits.
«Conservative pundits all too often sound alarms over an effort to take over America and of undocumented immigration's alleged horrific impact on the U.S. economy,» said Román, who authored a book released last year on immigration.
Boire, who took the reins last summer, added that the retailer has benefitted from efforts to diversify its offerings and ramp up its educational toys and gift businesses, sales of which grew 12.5 % and 13.8 % respectively in the quarter ended Jan. 30.
That could be a big relief for the athletes who did attend the Olympics and took creative precautionary measures like freezing their semen — Zika can be transmitted from sperm — and packing ridiculous amounts of mosquito repellent (among others efforts).
The average person who is given two weeks to complete a task will instinctively adjust his effort so it actually takes two weeks.
Invest a little money, time and effort in having members of your staff take a business - oriented personality assessment to help you figure out which ones are entrepreneurial and those who will perform better in other roles.
I applaud all efforts by people to take on this issue and especially be Adeo who — let's be honest — was really the first champion of trying to make the VC world more transparent by launching TheFunded, which didn't exactly endear him to VCs initially.
Given how long it takes to see the fruits of any significant research effort (Apple's latest iPhone chip was eight years in the making), the risk to research and innovation from activists who force deep cuts to drive up the share price and then sell out before the pipeline dries up is obvious.
Smaller business owners are forced to sink or swim by their own efforts or take risks employing SEO agencies who themselves often don't have skilled content marketers able to produce the right level of content.
These highly successful magnets to your business have brought you a lot of attention but now it will take time, money and effort to deliver them to those who have supported you this far.
«In the face of this situation, our top priorities at CWB Group are to take care of employees who have friends and family displaced or affected by the fire, ensure our clients have the support they need, and to contribute to the overall relief efforts
«One Tech Action» empowers non-techie, busy professionals to easily take advantage of technology to multiply their efforts at home and work, increase efficiency, and spend more time with the people who matter the most to them.
«Those financial firms that don't take the time and effort to understand the business they are supposed to supervising, and who don't devote the time with the firm to be effective are getting firms in hot water,» he added.
It would take someone who knew there was value in this thing and then went out and invested effort to do it [read the data].»
If you are trying to convince those who are believers that they should not believe, your efforts are futile since we know not to let anyone take us captive through hollow and deceptive philosophy which depends on human tradition and the basic principles of this world rather than on Christ.
I know that on my deathbed, I want someone who will listen, not someone who will take every last - ditch effort to guilt / shame / force beliefs.
It simply doesn't take much time or effort to ridicule those who are already laughable.
In their new comedy Amy Damnation, a woman attempts to track down the demon who possessed her as a child — prior to an exorcism — in an effort to no longer be a people - pleaser who's always taken advantage of.
Alternative: Instead of featuring your own efforts to help, take photos (with permission) and celebrate local people who are faithfully working for change in their own neighborhoods over the long haul.
They will require a concerted effort by theologians who take both ecology and justice seriously, and who are prompted by a sense of urgency that will allow them to struggle creatively and resolutely with the deeper issues — if not in perfect harmony, at least with a sense of solidarity.
Ebert made no effort to challenge Clark's notion that «some» kids will see his movie with their understanding parents who will then take them down the street for a milkshake and a heart - to - heart chat about AIDS.
If taken with full seriousness they would direct those who believe them away from any effort to attain Buddhist enlightenment.
The man who had spoken at the parish meeting was the most successful in taking advantage of his mother's efforts.
Kathleen Heasman says of evangelicals in the latter half of the 19th century: «By the mid-century it had become an accepted fact... that those who had experienced some spiritual renewal should straightway take part in the various efforts which were being made to help the less fortunate in the community.»
No, while understanding the Scriptures certainly takes serious effort and years of study, it can be understood and grasped by anyone who seeks to do so.
Understanding that healthy relationships are going to take a little more effort to foster after having children, I've found that it is so important to prioritize not only who I give my time to, but also how that time is spent.
But Lowe's effort to characterize Bergson as a Cartesian (something even Lowe admitted was a bit unfair.46) is not to be taken seriously by those who wish to be faithful to the text.
close - minded simpleton that assumes this structure inspired all who took part in the recovery efforts.
Citizens who take part commonly explain their efforts as attempts to «give back» for all that they have received from the free society, or to meet the obligations of free citizens to think and act for themselves.
The preacher who is doing his reading these days has been encouraged by the fact that there are a number of recent attempts «to find a new way through from exegesis to the sermon».1 That these efforts among biblical scholars, systematic theologians, and practical theologians are taking place has several clear implications.
In an effort to fix this mess, we have a few suggestions of moderators who should take over for the next presidential debates — to make things much more interesting.
Paul repentence just means changing ones mind the choice we have is to either live for Jesus or live for ourselves.Its interesting that the preaching you mentioned was always on how bad we are and how sinful that is just condemnation and self righteousness it takes no effort to do that.It just putting people down and it is a false sense of who God is.
But God ordered his world in such a way that his own work within that world takes place not least through one of his creatures in particular, namely, the human beings who reflect his image... He has enlisted us to act as his stewards in the project of creation... So the objection about us trying to build God's kingdom by our own efforts, though it seems humble and pious, can actually be a way of hiding from responsibility, of keeping one's head well down when the boss is looking for volunteers...» (207).
The country's economic downturn has diminished the Word of Faith prosperity gospel boom that took off during the 1990s and 2000s, and he sees a shift away from efforts to «bribe» God into blessings and toward a greater understanding of a God of grace who extends blessings freely.
I believe fully in your «non-vision» but for those who need some hand holding as they find their feet... that will take some effort and compassion on your part and the part of those who «get» where your trying to lead us too.
If an idea is sound, it can be demonstrated to anyone who takes the time and effort to look.
Having developed complex computer systems for more than 30 years it always brings out the worst in me when I see such half *** ed efforts by the wunder kids who took my job and professional life.
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