Sentences with phrase «who taught them that education»

Included in the Niebuhr teaching dynasty were his late brother, H. Richard, the eminent Yale ethicist; his late sister, Hulda, who taught education at McCormick Seminary; and his nephew, Harvard theologian Richard Reinhold Niebuhr.
After his single mother died when Thurmond was 6 years old, he and his 3 brothers were raised by a cousin who taught them that education could be the great equalizer.
The report's findings have implications for developing teacher evaluations, said Henry Braun, a committee member who teaches education and public policy at Boston College.

Not exact matches

As someone who teaches and advises in the field and has an obligation to keep current with emerging developments, given the significant rate of change in the last ten years, I could not imagine how a director of a company could remain current without ongoing requirements rather than passing familiarity or osmosis (I am speaking here of directors who have chosen not to upgrade their education).
The nude — a statue actually — stands in an opulent room at the Boston Center for Adult Education, where Apstein, a wine expert who freelances for the Boston Globe and the Florida - based Wine News, teaches a class so popular that it has been featured in Bon Appetit magazine.
She says the typical Waldorf parent, who has a range of elite private and public schools to choose from, tends to be liberal and highly educated, with strong views about education; they also have a knowledge that when they are ready to teach their children about technology they have ample access and expertise at home.
Two damning reports appeared in 1959, condemning American graduate management education as little more than vocational colleges filled with second - rate students taught by second - rate professors who did not understand their fields, did little research and were out of touch with business.
Women are taught that their importance comes only through having a husband who holds the priesthood (which they have erroneously been denied) and having lots of children and not from obtaining their education as their career should «be solely in the home».
Hence there are Church members today who continue to summon and teach at every level of Church education the racial discourse that black people are descendants of Cain, that they merited lesser earthly privilege because they were «fence - sitters» in the War in Heaven, and that, science and climatic factors aside, there is a link between skin color and righteousness» Mormon scripture specifically referencing race includes (from the Book of Mormon): 1 Nephi 11:8 1 Nephi 11:13 1 Nephi 12:23 1 Nephi 13:15 2 Nephi 5:21 2 Nephi 30:6 (1830 edition) Jacob 3:8 Alma 3:6 3 Nephi 2:15 Mormon 5:15
In the present climate, it is for all intents and purposes impossible for a person who publically dissents from gay rights orthodoxies to get a job teaching in higher education.
«The most important book published by the Holy See in this generation for Catholic education,» says Bishop O'Donoghue, «is theCatechism of the Catholic Church, and its summary, the Compendium of the Catechism of the Catholic Church»; he says that «it is vital that both the Catechismand the Compendiumare used by teachers in our schools and colleges, who can guide pupils in how to make best use of them»; that «the key to unlocking this treasury of Church teaching....
With fall education programs getting under way and Sunday school teachers beginning another year of teaching, it may be disconcerting to hear this reading from James: «Not many of you should become teachers, my brothers and sisters, for you know that we who teach will be judged with greater strictness.»
Because there are others who believe the same way I do, and we have the best Bible scholars, and the best seminaries, and the biggest churches, and the most authors, and our missionaries are very active overseas, and we agree with most of the teachings of the church throughout history... at least since the Reformation anyway... and I believe that with time, and a little education of how to really study the Bible, people will eventually see that what I believe is the right way to believe.
««My education taught me to have compassion for gay people,» said John Cremeans, a pastor who attended Bible school in Springfield.
Gothard's teachings involve rules upon rules all dealing with the outward, dress, hair, smiling, bright eyes, no birth control or dating, no higher education for girls who must stay in the home until the father decides what they should do, how God blesses and is happy with you if you do such and such, so many rules, those who really wanted to please God were under the weight of things they could never accomplish... plus the male regime and women having to be careful not to defraud men by their dress or looks made it so easy for sexual predatory behaviors to take hold and the woman at fault for the man's problems and such... ARGH!!!!!!!!!!!! No wonder some of the children of this regime became athiests.
Doris A. Blazer, who teaches early childhood education at Furman, is involved in the National Symposium on Faith Development in Early Childhood and coordinator of preschool parenting conferences at Kanuga Conference Center.
Bloom's book (subtitled How Higher Education Has Failed Democracy and Impoverished the Souls of Today's Students) is an attention - grabber, mainly because the author, who now teaches philosophy and political science at the University of Chicago, is a polemicist with an obvious scorn for understatement.
What these men have in mind was expressed by one of them who said in effect: The seminary prepared me for preaching and taught me the difference between preaching and public speaking; it helped me to become a pastoral counselor and not simply a counselor; it prepared me for the work of Christian education; but it gave me no preparation to administer a church as Church; what I learned about church administration was a nontheological smattering of successful business practices.
In short, effective teaching of democratic values requires the practice of democracy by those who teach and a democratic structure in the institutions of education.
On the one hand, there are those who emphasize the importance of «objective» education to be obtained through the teaching of Great Books, classical tradition, or technical knowledge.
The principles of academic freedom and of relative independence for education within the political structure do not exclude or excuse those who teach from active participation in political life.
Actually, this is another scientist who understands that there isn't a SHRED of proof to indicate that any god exists, and that American kids who are taught creationism will be at a great disadvantage in the future when they try to compete for jobs against children with real educations.
The appalling Channel 4 «Living and Growing» sex education material has caused something of a visceral shock to parents who have perhaps previously not enquired too closely what their school is teaching in sex education.
Hence there are Church members today who continue to summon and teach at every level of Church education the racial discourse that black people are descendants of Cain, that they merited lesser earthly privilege because they were «fence - sitters» in the War in Heaven, and that, science and climatic factors aside, there is a link between skin color and righteousness»
Of the 1990 apostolic constitution, Ex Corde Ecclesiae, Curran writes: «The document theoretically limits academic freedom by truth and the common good, sees local bishops not as external to the college or university but as participants in the institution, and includes canonical provisions for those who teach theology in Catholic higher education
In fact Catholic chastity education can confirm that those who follow the teaching of the Church will find it almost impossible to catch AIDS or any other venereal disease.
Sex education or chastity education: Church teaching and civil law human nature, is unsound... there are many who advocate and promote a method called by the unpleasant name of «sex education».
Thus she could become acquainted with a telescoped version of her husband's education and meet personally some of the persons who teach him.
Cole, a Christian who attends a nondenominational church, has coached the team for 10 years in addition to teaching physical education at the school.
More education is needed to convince people that they ought to fear God who, as Jesus taught, can punish soul and body together in hell (cf. Matthew 10:28).
Fortunately Mary, there are people out there who actually understand evolution, who have studied evolution and who have doc.umented and taught evolution, so that those of us with even a rudimentary education on the topic can dismiss your comment as nothing more than the desperate and childish attempt to cling to religion even as the rest of the world grows up and embraces reality.
Isn't this the gut who teaches the evening adult education class «Religion for fun and profit»?
In a survey of such efforts, the Wall Street Journal reported that «to decide what to teach, state education boards generally round up diverse professionals — who arrive at an acceptable list of values to be taught.
A Lutheran pastor who also serves as director of the Visual Education Service at Yale Divinity School, where he has taught courses on media and ministry, Everist has served as editor of Please Copy, has written a soon - to - he published book on Creative Uses of Media by the Church, and has created a four volume review publication, Educaid.
Liberal arts education does not exclude majors, and for those who plan to teach in high school, such majors will be important.
If we now suppose this feeling of unity to be taught as a religion, and the whole force of education, of institutions, and of opinion directed, as it once was in the case of religion, to make every person grow up from infancy surrounded on all sides both by the profession and the practice of it, I think that no one who can realize this conception will feel any misgiving about the sufficiency of the ultimate sanction for the happiness morality.
Who will teach pastoral care, religious education, leadership and preaching to the next generation of pastors?
Students should provide perspective in their essays on who should receive sex education, what sex education should include, what would make it more inclusive and effective, why sex education is important, what they did and did not learn in their previous sex education class, what they wish they had learned, and how sex education can be taught more effectively in schools.
Daniel Boulud teaches a GQ writer who «only eats food that has its own commercial» how to eat like a grown - up in «The Culinary Education of Mr. Mozzarella Sticks.»
With a Masters Degree in Community Health Education, a husband who is a physicianteacher of Family Medicine, Margaret began her community volunteer work in her home of Bristol Tennessee teaching childbirth and parenting classes.
The video will be used by London Firefighters and the Brigade's Education team as part of their fire prevention outreach work, teaching children in foundation year classes (Nursery, Reception and Year 1) about the people who help us.
This class is taught as a «graduate» class and is usually filled by those who have taken the Mindfulness - Based Childbirth Education course.
This three - year, part - time program of professional Waldorf teacher education is offered to those who are seeking to teach out of an understanding of Waldorf Education and what it can contribute to childreducation is offered to those who are seeking to teach out of an understanding of Waldorf Education and what it can contribute to childrEducation and what it can contribute to children today.
We are looking for someone who will teach from an understanding of Waldorf education and Rudolf Steiner's indications on child development.
Hellene is a life - long learner who possesses a BS in Psychology, MA / ABD in Clinical Psychology, MA in Waldorf Education, Waldorf Certification, California Multiple Subject Teaching Credential, and a School Psychologist Credential.
In addition to extensive teaching experience, Miss Hellene is a life - long learner who possesses the following degrees and credentials: BS in Psychology, MA / ABD in Clinical Psychology, MA in Waldorf Education, Waldorf Certification, California Multiple Subject Teaching Credential, and a School Psychologist Creteaching experience, Miss Hellene is a life - long learner who possesses the following degrees and credentials: BS in Psychology, MA / ABD in Clinical Psychology, MA in Waldorf Education, Waldorf Certification, California Multiple Subject Teaching Credential, and a School Psychologist CreTeaching Credential, and a School Psychologist Credential.
Adoption Pro Judy M. Miller is an adoptive parent, adoption advocate, support specialist, and she coordinates and teaches parent preparation education to parents who are in the adoption process.
It is up to parents, whether it be individually or as members of a booster club, «Friends of Football,» or PTA, to raise money to (a) fund the hiring of a certified athletic trainer (who, as we always say, should be the first hire after the head football coach); (b) consider equipping players with impact sensors (whether in or on helmets, in mouth guards, skullcaps, earbuds, or chinstraps); (c) purchase concussion education videos (which a new study shows players want and which they remember better); (d) to bring in speakers, including former athletes, to speak about concussion (another effective way to impress on young athletes the dangers of concussion); and (e) to pay for instructors to teach about proper tackling and neck strengthening;
There is debate about the quality of education and about who is best qualified to teach children.
You know that there is an credentialed teacher who is trained to teach them so you do not have the pressure on you to oversee their education.
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