Sentences with phrase «whole benefit»

Banks, regulators and tech companies are working together for the benefit of customers and the industry as a whole
On Diagnosis of CI (one of the 34 CI mentioned in policy), future premium will be waived off and policy continues and if the insured dies within policy term then whole benefit is payable at death.
The disabilities group did not see them as benefiting the disabled as a whole
Few companies are footing the whole benefits bill these days.
«It's important think through whether or not they're going to be in a higher tax bracket in future years, because if they are, then it may not make sense to take the whole benefit in the first year.»
When people act «rationally» in the exchange of goods and services, that is, when they try to get the most they can for the least payment in money or service, market activity increases and society as a whole benefits from the increased availability of desired goods and services.
The theory shows that this aim of each individual to get as much s possible for as little as possible stimulates economic activity in such a way that the society as a whole benefits.
While I can dry it or freeze it as pesto, I'm always trying to think of ways to use it fresh, since that's the whole benefit of growing it!
Stamkos is elite and the Lightning as a whole benefit from the fact that they have 3 lines with at least one solid scoring threat.
Additionally, society as a whole benefits when children, adults and the elderly have a chance to really get to know one another in both the private and public spheres.
«These results support the view that the healthcare system as a whole benefits when hospitals perform procedures in higher volumes, improving outcomes,» Carroll said.
That's the key to the whole benefits program.»
Students themselves and the United States as a whole benefit from improved performance in the early grades only if that translates into measurably higher skills at the end of school.
With the flexibility of learning as per need, employees and the organization as a whole benefit from it.
The brief starts with a review of grammar school evidence then explores the questions: do grammar schools facilitate social mobility and does the education system as a whole benefit?
The association as a whole benefits from the participation of its individual schools, and we expect each participant to gain value from the professional development and networking opportunities at the conference.
Universal credit continues to be rolled out in some areas, with the whole benefits model due to be changed by 2022.
If pressures are too high, though, you begin to lose the whole benefit of pneumatic tires.
Plus, there's the whole benefit of charging the BlackBerry while it's in the pod.
Once you try to add more funds into the mix to get what you really want, you lose the whole benefit of the one - fund simplicity: buying more than one fund means it won't automatically rebalance any more, and at that point you might as well buy a third (or fourth) fund and save the extra cost on bundling it up.
Society as a whole benefits from new job opportunities, more tax revenue and an accessible environment for both inhabitants and visitors.»
How unfortunate that so many people must be feeling fiscal stress, before the planet as a whole benefits.
We asked associates to rate the bonus they receive against market, the whole benefits package, and their firms» attitudes to flexible working, taking vacation, and raising a family.
The question is always whether the delay in performance — which was not to be equated with a refusal to perform — deprives the innocent party of (substantially) the whole benefit of his contract or manifests an intention to throw it up.
it manifests an intention by the wrongdoer not to perform the contract or only to do so on substantially different terms to those agreed or in a way that would deprive the innocent party of (substantially) the whole benefit or a substantial part of it.
The courts have described a repudiatory breach as one which «goes to the root of the contract» and which «deprives the innocent party substantially of the whole benefit of the contract» (Hong Kong Fir Shipping Co. Ltd v Kawasaki Kisen Kaisha Ltd [1962] 2 QB 26).
Indeed, for some a more confident second chamber would act as a restraint upon the Executive (as distinct from the Commons itself, which, of course, it dominates) and therefore reform does not represent «a zero sum game», but one in which Parliament as a whole benefits vis - à - vis the government.
For years, lawyers have been inclined to be unspecific with their cost estimates and have on the whole benefitted from the lack of transparency by law firms when quoting for work.
Permanent partial to the body as whole benefits are paid when permanent disability occurs, and are calculated using the percentage of disability times 2/3 of the average weekly wage (subject to maximum and minimum limits).
This narrow view of «public use» ignores the fact that society as a whole benefits from the police activity, including any resulting damage to property, while the innocent, individual owner alone is forced to bear the burden.
Where one party to a contract has, by his own act or default, rendered it impossible for him to perform his contractual obligations, the innocent party will be entitled to treat himself as discharged if the resulting non-performance would deprive him of the whole benefit of the contract.
While the core gameplay may feel very similar as it is still centered around ranked seasonal play, battle royale and conquest, the foundation that supports these modes like programs, the exchange, community market, packs etc. are all improved, and the mode as a whole benefits from it.
The whole benefit of cryptocurrencies is that the ecosystem is supposed to be trust-less.
When all youth benefit, the community as a whole benefits.
The odour was not caused by an act or omission of the landlord and the failure to correct it did not deprive the tenant of the whole benefit of the lease.
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