Sentences with phrase «whole body of believers»

The missionaries for the most part seem to have worked in groups and to have formed around them a nucleus of new believers, amongst whom some would be appointed, probably with the consent of the whole body of believers, as elders (Acts 14:23, Ja.
«On an issue on which the whole body of believers finds so many unresolvable questions, I find it unacceptable to force a large number of our members to face this dilemma.»
Or on a lesser scale, whole bodies of believers.

Not exact matches

A vital and practical program of evangelism and missions that encourages believers to get involved in spreading the Gospel of Jesus, locally and internationally, is important to not only that church, but the Body of Christ as a whole.
With a suddenness which is unprecedented in Christian history the whole body of Christian believers in every part of the Western world has awakened to the consciousness that the entire secular order of the modern world, instead of moving steadily toward the acceptance of Christianity, has been for centuries moving steadily away from it.
Its unfortunate though, that such misconception attracts this much attention because it alters the truthfulness of true believers and publicly blemishes the body of Christ as a whole.
Liz is a strong believer in whole body health and recognizes the importance of finding balance physically, mentally and spiritually.
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