Sentences with phrase «whole bunch of calories»

There a lot of people they're focused on calories and if you're eating a real whole foods those calories will have nutrition, but today, it's possible with the whole pop tart analogy or the junk food analogy, you can get a whole bunch of calories and not a lot of nutrition on the flipside.
In case you didn't know, research has already shown that only 20 minutes of intense exercise can produce great effects in terms of increasing your strength and torching a whole bunch of calories.
And though you've probably heard this a thousand times before, it's worth repeating — Added sugars (like sucrose and high fructose corn syrup) contain a whole bunch of calories with NO essential nutrients.
I set it at 1.1 miles per hour when I work and wind up burning a whole bunch of calories.

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Intermittent fasting does a whole bunch of other things that low calorie dieting simply does not.
The reason for that is the following: unless you are a skinny hardgainer that is having a lot of issues gaining muscle, fruit juice is just a whole bunch of sugar calories.
Many of the fitness features on this watch are the same as other Fitbits: it tracks steps, stairs climbed, calories burned, heart rate, sleep, plus a whole bunch of specific exercise details.
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