Sentences with phrase «whole bunch of debts»

And I guess, well, the prime other solution if you have a whole bunch of debts, and again we've already said it, the person who is our client who has a payday loan has in total around $ 34,000 of unsecured debt of which around $ 3,000 is payday loans.
I normally like to avoid companies with a whole bunch of debt on the balance sheet.
Are they about to let a whole bunch of debt - beat retirees put their balance sheets at risk?
I have a whole bunch of debt from my BFA, but I don't regret it at all.
In fact, I had a whole bunch of debt.

Not exact matches

In the second example, a whole bunch of your business is run off of a loan and 50 % of your company is debt, which means, basically, that if the company does poorly, it'll do poorly much faster (because it has to pay interest every month, etc.).
So, the most common solution by far if someone is a homeowner but also has a whole bunch of other debt, is a consumer proposal.
What we do is we take all of the data from all of our clients over the last couple of years, because if you file a bankruptcy or consumer proposal with Hoyes Michalos, obviously it's a legal process, we're required to gather a bunch of data, obviously your name and address but a whole bunch of detail on your debts, your assets, your income that sort of thing.
While many of us use credit cards for genuine reasons, some people exploit loopholes in the rewards system to get stuff for free or very cheaply, accumulating a whole bunch of credit cards along the way, and sometimes — when they're not so lucky — get into debilitating debt.
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