Sentences with phrase «whole community ethos»

A whole community ethos If we want to tackle these issues then wellbeing and mental health should be everyone's business.

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What natural science stimulated, industry furthered in the very mode of activity it promoted and the ethos it tended to generate within communities and within culture as a whole.
Key features make the difference The key element is a whole - school inclusive ethos that says we welcome all children, parents, carers and families and see them as the cornerstone of our school community.
Support staff are a vital part of the education team, and the National Education Union promotes an ethos of the whole - school community.
«The power of the programme is in the carefully planned interactive progress which involves all staff in school development and has already facilitated rapid buy lipitor in uk progress in terms of assessment, curriculum, pupil voice and the overall ethos and professional approach of the whole school community
Our ethos provides a strong moral, ethical and spiritual framework for the whole school community, and informs all policies and practices in the daily life of the school.
We conclude that teachers, head teachers, students, parents and welfare professionals need to work together to consider how best to deal with the cyberbullying of teachers by students, within the context of developing a positive school community ethos, the adoption of an anti-cyberbullying policy for the whole school, and addressing cyberbullying through the personal and social education curriculum.
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