Sentences with phrase «whole day workshop»

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Over the course of the two day workshop we learned to style a whole range of common dishes and drinks, including burgers, ice cream, dessert, soup noodles, and a roast chicken.
One day, she writes, «it occurred to [Cliff] that he's spent his whole adult life in a prison workshop.
Nourish your body, mind and spirit during this one - day - retreat filled with 2 yoga classes (active and restorative), guided meditation, free time for relaxation and rejuvenation, delicious wholesome vegan and gluten - free cuisine with a focus on cleansing and warming foods (perfect for winter), and a workshop on transitioning to a whole foods diet and lifestyle.
We run dinner parties, speed dating events, wine tasting, tribute nights, murder mystery, dating success workshops, dance and dating events, walking and hiking days, culture days out, Sunday lunches in trendy bars and restaurants and a whole lot more.
We'd love the opportunity to work with your school, we provide whole day Wellbeing Events or one - off workshops including;
Two years ago the whole day focused on resilience and wellbeing, [where] I organised approximately 30 psychologists and practitioners to deliver workshops that were aligned to positive psychology.
In a one - day workshop with teachers, you can show the whole film.
Some teachers use it as part of a math workshop rotation, and others use it consistently every day in whole - class instruction for 20 - to 30 - minute intervals.
I offer whole and half day workshops for groups of SBMs, exploring ways to improve effectiveness for self and the team.
He was quite gracious with his time and spent the whole day leading a hands on, and intensive workshop, for a wide variety of skill levels.
With up to 90 % off the digital interpretations and adaptations of the most - popular Games Workshop titles, the sale provides a cheap and hassle - free way of diving into the world of tabletop gaming without needing to write off a whole day of preparation and organisation just to play one round of one game.
Last Sunday it was a super cold day in Philly, so I spent the whole afternoon at The Fabric Workshop.
Think of the workshop as a 2 day immersion experience with the most important person in your life for 2 days - so that you can work on things in the best way possibleand walk out of your journey and back into the real world — as a whole new YOU (by you we mean yourself and you as a couple)
After working with the three - day program there is an opportunity to complete the Advanced Training Level II, this will enable participants to conduct one - day introductory workshops within your own school to enable a whole school approach to the program.
Staff professional learning (PL): A full day Professional Learning workshop for whole school staff is compulsory to ensure:
Whole schools (or groups of local schools combined) may arrange a full day local workshop directly with Lindy Petersen.
SDERA offers a full - day professional learning workshop to any school wishing to develop a Whole School Drug Education Plan.
If you are traveling a substantial distance — or in general prefer doing the whole workshop in one day - I will accommodate you.
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