Sentences with phrase «whole end»

So, we're now half - way through the very first month of 2013 after all the hype and the disappointment surrounding that whole end of the world thing.
If that smartly stupid - funny, endlessly quotable, and surprisingly endearing 1994 hit (the Farrellys» feature debut) was comic gold, this 2014 sequel gets the bronze for throwing so much at the wall, including plenty of the moronic duo's «greatest hits,» that the hit - and - miss whole ends up being just funny enough.
Sasha and her friends spent yesterday lounging on the beach and by the end of the day she was sporting a sun kissed look that she hadn't managed to achieve in her whole
«Even using opponents» estimates of the adverse employment effects of a minimum - wage hike, low income workers as a whole end up considerably better off after the minimum wage is raised,» Gary Burtless, a Brookings fellow wrote in a blog post from December.
Grain is an online food delivery company that manages the whole end - to - end customer experience.
Here was a Gunners team who had dealt themselves and their fans a significantly large dose of frustration, anxiety and sadness over the last three games, not to mention the whole end of the season.
Anyway I feel bad about the whole end to what was a really good day other wise.
The governor did not make a public appearance — he hasn't throughout this whole end - of - session negotiation process.
Also on hand last night was former Assemblyman / District Leader Frank Seddio, who warned reporters: «Don't bet on this district disappearing... I'm just not believing this part of the district will be solely a Brooklyn district... it's kind of hard to see this whole end of the world, we're talking about 200,000 people that have to be placed someplace.»
The final big problem with resistance to antibiotics is a much wider one — the whole end of the world scenario featured in the media every day.
The whole ending premise is wanting to see black women living well.
The whole end with Goran Visnjic's character was a bit far - fetched, but everything else seem completely plausible.
Still, Thor's bloodsport detour diverts an inordinate amount of the filmmakers» attention, and ours, from the whole end - of - days buildup.
Poltergeist still has a lot of Spielbergian touches in it, especially the whole ending sequence which Hooper didn't want but Spielberg insisted on.
Death Proof and hence Grindhouse as a whole end on a high note with the final car chase and Bell's death - defying antics, but the dragging, plodding pace and creative misfire of Tarantino's movie is enough to put a big damper on the sum total of the Rodriguez / Tarantino double feature experiment.
The whole ending with child welfare services, we had more of the procedure.
«When he died we had to make sense of the whole end of the film.
Now, this entry may be a controversial choice due to the whole ending kerfuffle, but when 99 % of the journey is fantastic, that last percent being bad shouldn't ruin the whole thing, even if it is the ending - plus the free DLC which expanded and slightly changed the vanilla ending is satisfactory in my opinion.
I have no bone to pick with anyone who wants to read these books — OK, maybe I've shown my cards on the whole end times prophecy thing.
I thought the book as a whole ended on a hopeful note for all concerned.
On the whole you end up with a far more robust dog that will suffer less from health problems and may even live longer as they are genetically stronger that pure bred dogs.
Needless to say it's insane power couple with the whole ending the game early idea ensured that it quickly became one of the most hated Killstreak rewards in history.
This whole end - of - net - neutrality panic is a bit of a mystery to me.
In the resulting titles, do the parts that make up the whole end up influencing how the painting is finished?
With the Exterro platform, it's much cheaper to hire a full - time employee to manage the whole end - to - end process than it is to send things to third - party vendors.
We did it a couple of days before this post was published (June 1) and they've still got a whole end cap full of»em at our local Lowes.
If not for your blog I would not have known... There is an abandoned building near home and graffiti was a problem, some artist painted the whole end of the building in this art you have over the couch.
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