Sentences with phrase «whole explanation»

In this whole explanation, God is the primary and indispensable factor.
We can not believe it is the whole explanation; it is too full of dots and dashes for that.
somehow I missed the whole explanation (and certainly didn't get any cake..
Hormones play a large role but are not the whole explanation.
That can not, however, be the whole explanation.
Stringer thinks there is something to that idea, but he doubts it is the whole explanation.
Yes, high heels help to make a woman walk like a lady, but that can not be the whole explanation, can it?
But back in ordinary life, I wouldn't announce it to the world, it would just strike too many controversial conversations about ethics and then I'll have to get into the whole explanation, as long as I know..
The whole explanation behind the Stone's retrieval is a bit convoluted and boring.
Although these figures are partly influenced by the fact that lower - paid support staff are generally much more likely to be female, this is not the whole explanation.
Actually, that's the whole explanation.
by Mignon Fogarty We have a special top - 10 post to celebrate the end of the year, and — before you argue — read the whole explanation about why each of...
Check out the whole explanation of Startups = Innovation by Alec here and if you are a developer don't miss attending BlackBerry 10 Jam World Tour.
Each sentence here deserves a whole explanation of its own, — our breakfast, the Spanish school, our six instructors, our sun salutations on the beach, but that is for another day.
I won't go through the whole explanation of how to get the BRG since Ric Garrido has already done an extensive post on the topic, but I submitted the BRG form about a minute after booking the hotel, and less than 12 hours later my claim was approved!
Brawl has such a ridiculously deep archive of classic music invalidates this whole explanation, not to mention that many of these games are available on the Virtual Console to play and listen to.
Read the whole explanation here.
I personally don't think that's the whole explanation.
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