Sentences with phrase «whole feel of the book»

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They pick and choose the parts that make them feel comfortable, assuming they ever read the whole book — which 90 % of Christians never do.
Unfortunately, as a former Christian, well acquainted with sin and confession and the whole bloody business of sacrifice to appease Someone who thinks that shows «love,» I question the whole ancient story, all the animals killed, all the trees cut down (for temples and churches and crosses and «holy books») and all the human beings left to feel separated again and again from the universe, Nature, each other and their «gods.»
I feel like I could live for the rest of my life on what we experienced that day — that, or write a whole «Love looks like» book about it!
but thats not what i'm talking about... i am discussing the god you claim to worship... even if you believe jesus was god on earth it doesn't matter for if you take what he had to say as law then you should take with equal fervor words and commands given from god itself... it stands as logical to do this and i am confused since most only do what jesus said... the dude was only here for 30 years and god has been here for the whole time — he has added, taken away, and revised everything he has set previous to jesus and after his death... thru the prophets — i base my argument on the book itself, so if you have a counter argument i believe you haven't a full understanding of the book — and that would be my overall point... belief without full understanding of or consideration to real life or consequences for the hereafter is equal to a childs belief in santa which is why we atheists feel it is an equal comparision... and santa is clearly a bs story... based on real events from a real historical person but not a magical being by any means!
When I made this quinoa pudding, I was feeling more ginger, less coconut (I know, I don't even recognize myself) so I used Faith's ratios and methodology to create a pudding baby from two of my favorite whole grain pudding recipes in the book.
There are so many ways to make healthy treats (I wrote a whole book of»em, after all), and I for one don't feel satisfied unless I get to have something sweet each day.
After reading Meg's book I feel confident in my mothering through breastfeeding and also reassured that there are whole bunches of other mummas that feel just as sleep deprived as I and that this will all pass one day.
I was given the book babywise and have since learned how stupid the whole western idea of solitary sleep is when you understand how human milk is produced and human milk for human bubs is obviously ideal although I am glad we have formula for situations in which it is impossible and feel for women who miss out on all the closeness of cosleeping / breastfeeding etc..
This book shows how mom's pregnancy effects the whole family from needing more rest and growing larger to feelings of being left out when the new baby gets here.
The Happy Kid Handbook by Katie Hurley, LCSW — This whole book is wonderful, but for parents who want to focus on working on feelings with their children, there's a whole section with lots of great ideas for feelings games to play and feelings activities to do as a family.
It was through my membership to API, plus a whole bookcase full of parenting books and neuropsychology texts, that I learned exactly what Attachment Parenting is: that it isn't just a feel - good approach to parenting.
Enter some carbs (from the suggestion of your book) in the source of potato and rice and taro — and now I'm feeling a whole lot better.
Because the book is so big, Yates is never able to develop any of these strands to an entirely satisfying degree, and as a result the whole thing begins to feel inconsequential.
Every episode feels like a whole chapter of a book and it is not only to fill time, like most Netflix shows that feels forced to last 10 episodes.
On the whole, On Chesil Beach presents a deeply moving story with intricate ramifications and a big secret at the heart of its storyline, but the film somehow fails to ignite the same feelings and emotions as the book does.
And, in the end, the whole thing feels like a set - up for a sequel, which it of course is, as there are three more books in the series.
John McNamara's screenplay, based on Bruce Cook's book Dalton Trumbo, is episodic, which is a given considering the passage of time, yet it still feels of a whole, even though it's very selective about which episodes it chooses to relate and which characters are featured.
His whole idea was he just felt that two hours wasn't enough time to tell a Jack Ryan story because Tom Clancy's books are so detailed and rich, and the character of Jack Ryan if he has a superpower is his intelligence, so there's a lot of problem solving and things that take time, and that's the beauty of the spy genre.
Feeling longer than it needs to be, there's a sense that this whole cinematic series was created more for fans who have read the trio of books than for casual moviegoers like myself.
With almost no relationship to the book beyond honouring its concept of a conflagration told in vignettes, it feels almost exactly like James L. Brooks's I'll Do Anything, which began life as a musical and ended up, after extensive reshoots and careening budget overages, song - free, yet whole somehow despite the trauma.
Although the great performances and promise of what's to come help offset the listless pacing and general needlessness of splitting the final book into two movies, the whole thing feels like one giant tease for «Part 2.»
The whole social nature of book clubs can be a very positive activity for kids who may still feel that reading is boring.
After reading Dobbs, Ippolito, and Laird's book, I feel it provided the kind of step - by - step instructions that a principal finds invaluable while enacting any type of whole - school change.
Then after writing a number of screenplays I had a strong feeling that I wanted to start writing books, and I just love the whole idea of writing in the ebook form and getting your work out there.
When the novel went out on submission and got «We love it but we don't love it enough» and «We love you, but we don't love the book» it should have been great news, but instead I felt panicked at the thought of having to write a whole other book.
So many authors — even book publicity veterans — feel that, if the scheduled radio interview doesn't take place, it's an act of the gods, and they drop the whole thing.
As the hijab has been particularly politicized, it felt important that this book depoliticize it, and showcase it as one part of a girl's self - chosen identity, not the whole of it.
I've even been treated to the whole «but not YOUR books, of course,» as though that makes the Us vs. Them attitude feel any better.
Once I feel like I have an idea of what I'd like to do, I divide everything into 32 picture - book pages and leave space (or whole pages) for text.
«Wonderful... A perfect book - club pick... What mothers leave daughters is loud and proud in this book... It will prime conversations about your own choices, which may change your whole sense of self, or at least make you feel not so alone.»
• Finally, if you have a new little one at home — a dog, that is — and are feeling overwhelmed by the whole naming thing, the folks at Book Riot have offered up a bunch of literary monikers for your consideration.
If the process of going back and revising a whole book feels overwhelming, here's a great step - by - step plan of action for revision and self - editing.
Often the «Once» paragraphs read differently from the feel of the whole book — the language is tighter, like a cloak wrapped round a small body.
It is not often that one can read a book of shorts, connected thought they are and feel like one has indeed read a whole novel.
We know there's something somewhat nostalgic about feeling the pages of your all - time favourite book between your fingers, but there's no denying that kindles and e-readers have opened up a whole world of possibilities when it comes to reading on the go.
If you are one of my readers who has purchased any of the other books in the series on Amazon, feel free to rate and review the individual book or the whole series.
Most author bookmarks have the whole book cover on them so if you can fill your entire bookmark with a larger image of a character from your book it can provide a more custom designed feel to the bookmark.
After reading an eBook, I get this nifty list of suggested books and from those suggested books I've discovered authors I've never heard of... and... many of those authors don't have books in my local library... I feel like a whole new literary world has opened up for me!
We designed a whole new look from the e-book version, imbuing the book with a feel of classic children's literature.
In the short amount of time since using Book Creator to create the resources it has truly made the whole process of exam support in particular so much easier and actually enjoyable too — making resources doesn't really feel like work!
The whole point of his books is to turn on our heads what most folks feel is wealth.
Because while booking a dream vacation to The Bahamas or scoping out cuisine choices in Paris may feel rewarding, satisfaction reaches a whole new level when you're paying your way with points instead of money.But what if we told you that it's more than just the points.
The level of detail on character models is particularly lacking, as is the texture work, and the games graphics on the whole just feel flat and lifeless, which is the exact opposite of what you want from a comic - book game, although the animation work for Deadpool himself is really quite well done.
«The whole look and feel of this book is glorious.
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