Sentences with phrase «whole foods diet until»

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If that's all a whole - food, plant - based diet could do — reverse our number - one killer — shouldn't that be the default diet until proven otherwise?
Health journey: I was a vegetarian for many years but it was not until I worked as a Cooking Instructor for the Cancer Project that I fully realized the incredible healing power of eating a whole - foods, plant - based diet.
Do you think it is safe for an exercising and a plant - based whole foods diet following individual to consume less calcium or not until there is more evidence?
As a physician, I believe the health care crisis will never be reformed until we fix the crisis at our Kitchen Tables and we need fine doctors, and nurse educators PAID to coach you to a whole food diet and lifestyle.
While they're a good «quick fix» to hold you through until your next meal, they are no match for a whole foods diet rich with the essential vitamins that you need.
Switch to a whole foods diet and eat slowly and until you are full.
(I was 415 a couple of weeks ago until I found out about a low fat whole foods plant based diet on YouTube and purchased your book and several others like Dr. McDougall and Barnard).
Dehydrated dog food is created by taking the whole foods found in a raw doggie diet, and slowly heating them until they're dehydrated.
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