Sentences with phrase «whole host of health benefits»

There's also a whole host of health benefits you can get from nuts and seeds as most are loaded with nutrients.With high levels of antioxidants, nuts are cardio - protective and seeds on are packed with dietary fiber.
I used raw cacao solids instead of powder as I always prefer the texture — don't forget that raw chocolate has a whole host of health benefits; from improving digestion to enhancing the libido (wit woo — insert your best winky emoji here people).
Chickpeas have a whole host of health benefits too, protein - rich, good source of folic acid, (veg) iron, zinc, copper, manganese and phosphorus.
Meditation is more than just a stress buster: it has a whole host of health benefits.
This oil is also a heart healthy fat with a whole host of health benefits.
Fruits are nature's nutrient - rich sweet treats and unprocessed, they have a whole host of health benefits to offer including detoxifying, disease - fighting antioxidants and phytonutrients, vitamins, minerals and fiber.
If your levels are low, getting out in the sun and supplementing for any gaps carry a whole host of health benefits, including lowering cholesterol and helping you become a happier, healthier you!
These types of fatty acids produce a whole host of health benefits.
Turmeric is not just an Indian spice for curry, this multi-tasking superfood boasts a whole host of health benefits.
[The foods prescribed in the Whole30] encourage the good flora in your gut, also known as your microbiome, to flourish, which can provide a whole host of health benefits for digestion and beyond.»
Bone broth boasts a whole host of health benefits, and one is its ability to fight inflammation in the body.
This is a non-competitive form of exercise which comes with a whole host of health benefits.
Even though it does not provide energy, fiber comes with a whole host of health benefits, including improved digestive health.
These beneficial bacteria can provide a whole host of health benefits for your four - legged friend.
Coconut is high in fiber and healthy fats and has been shown to provide a whole host of health benefits, including:
Just like with a diet, exercise can bring a whole host of health benefits, which are going to secure lower insurance premiums.
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