Sentences with phrase «whole human being»

Blind adherence to the principle of «breast is best» seems to have become more important than treating babies, toddlers and parents as whole human beings.
We are not raising babies on charts here, they are whole human beings with many different aspects of their health that we need to look at.
A particularly unhealthy result of male - female sex role training is that gaps have been created in people which limit their potential to become whole human beings.
I also guide people to birth themselves as healthy and whole human beings capable of immense joy and inner peace.
Those high school students had clearly benefited from the good work of their teachers who had created for them the opportunities to develop as whole human beings.
Religion and reason are two constituents in the total life of whole human beings.
The missional approach is different than modern evangelicalism, particularly in this region, because «the work of salvation, in its full sense, is 1) about whole human beings, not merely souls; 2) about the present, not simply the future; and 3) about what God does through us, not merely what God does in and for us.»
New City staff members get to know each of their students as whole human beings so that they can effectively respond to their social as well as academic needs.
The good society can only be constituted of whole human beings.
«Hillary sees our students as whole human beings not as test scores,» Eskelsen Garcia said.
Well, we techinically wear both at the same time giving the whole human being business but hey, going naked can bean option too LOL
Strauss, Pierre explains, restored to the world the nobility of the possibility of the liberation of the human mind from political domination, but he did so, perhaps, at the price of presenting Socrates or «the philosopher» as too purely mind or not as a whole human being.
The prophets were symbols in that sense, for God does not merely speak through their mouths, as through the Greek oracle or prophet, but the whole human being is for Him a mouth.
Braine rightly says that we need to consider the whole human being.
In our view only the whole human being (or any higher form of living being), and not a «presiding occasion» at the final focus of a strand of occasions (if indeed there be any such «occasion»), can be viewed as such a subject.
The reason is that love is always proportionate in its concern and tries to see another as a whole human being in a whole human context.
Cultural processes such as information and communication are not merely the objective order of society and community, but penetrate the soul of the whole human being.
Each relationship is unique so it varies from person to person, but my friends and I tend to see a whole human being when we look at each other rather than just a «GAY» or a «SIDE A GAY» or a «SIDE B GAY».
you are still a whole human being with a challenge that you face.
Waldorf education goes beyond the development of the intellect, focusing on the development of the whole human being and helping children bring goodness, beauty and truth into the world.
Rudolf Steiner, the founder of Waldorf education was convinced that social problems can only be solved with the help of a pedagogy that educates the whole human being.
Only then will she be able to move beyond her past to become a whole human being.
That sounds like an intro to a horror film, but think about it: a whole human being is coming out of her body.
Her work offers a new perspective on human development, parenting, family life and being a healthy, happy, whole human being.
It felt as though blind adherence to the principle of «breast is best» had become more important than treating babies, toddlers and parents as whole human beings, with a broad range of physical, emotional and practical needs.
He has been an active leader in this school movement, both nationally and internationally since the early 1980's, working continually to develop curriculum, approaches to teaching, and organizational forms that will address the whole human being in a healthy way.
According to the tantrics, the chakra system organizes prana and facilitates essential subtle energy flows which then provide a blueprint for the structure and function of the whole human being — body, mind, and spirit.
When Emmanuelle Riva won the BAFTA for Best Actress it underscored what we've been saying for years — that you have to go all the way to France to find storytellers who are willing to contemplate the idea of women as whole human beings...
The only time he appears as a whole human being, in control of his destiny, is in the ring.
A near - legend for his portraits of the deranged and demonic, he was deeply unhappy by the end of the Seventies about being typecast for so long, and in despair that he might never play «a whole human being
This is the Stockholm Syndrome plot of Knight and Day, and countless other action / rom - com / adventure flicks that treat the woman as the tag - a-long idiot, rather than a intelligent, whole human being.
To be a whole human being is the challenge of our time.
The taxonomy was originally designed, back in the mid 50's, to provide a common ground for evaluating a learner's progresses in a subject, approaching the learner as a whole human being and therefore considering both mental, emotional and physical development.
NCS engages diverse and complex young people as whole human beings.
«Hillary sees our students as whole human beings, not as test takers.»
Of course not — and we must acknowledge this by seeing each student as a whole human being with individual needs.
She is thrilled to be working with a team of teachers here at NACA who share her value that supporting the students as whole human beings is our job.
But half of a married couple is not exactly a whole human being: if the marriage is successful it is something a little more than that; if unsuccessful, a little less.
The title of this show, «Manon — A Person,» suggested that the artist's first retrospective was not meant simply to gather works but that instead, through works and documents, a woman, a whole human being, was being presented — and indeed, this was the...
Please think from world horizeon, earth is our whole human being home, all we should care, if you do not care who will care?
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