Sentences with phrase «whole idea of sacrifice»

And is the whole idea of sacrifice also mythological?

Not exact matches

I mean that was kind of the whole idea, one «perfect» sacrfice to take the place of all the animal sacrifices of the past... odd that in light of the quote you produced.
The whole idea of appeasing gods through sacrifice or scapegoating ones sins, even in the case of Jesus, is pretty ridiculous isn't it?
Isn't the whole idea of this to stuff yourself silly, to make all the sacrifice worth it?
I have always assumed that this arose from the collusion which women on the whole practice by sacrificing aspects of their identity and development in return for «security» and the fulfillment of a stereotyped idea of femininity.
«The idea of coevolution of the whole ecosystem leads to silly ideas like that mice are evolved to sacrifice themselves to feed carnivores»
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