Sentences with phrase «whole labor»

«I have devoted my whole life to the tasks of clarifying how Christianity relates to culture, and I have not met disappointment, since I early learned that the whole labor does not depend on me.»
Thank you for your whole labor on this site.
I think half the problem with the natural childbirth movement is this: They originally wanted some pretty reasonable stuff, like NOT being drugged unconscious, shaved, and / or forced to lie flat on their backs through the whole labor, like being able to see and hold the baby right away, not days later, like having the OPTION to breastfeed supported.
The whole labor snapped into seconds.
Although it was extremely painful, I couldn't be happier with how the whole labor turned out.
You may need a good laugh after the whole labor and delivery thing.
after having my 2nd accidentally at home (and by accident i mean the whole labor took half an hour) i refused to give birth to my 3rd in the hospital like i did w / my first.
They provide support and comfort and encouragement throughout the whole labor process.
But what if we could re-frame the whole labor experience and focus on a distraction, infusing birth with a sense of humor or a sense of purpose?
Here's what I posted: «To all my preggo compatriots out there, check out Birth Without Fear if you, like me, are still a little apprehensive of that whole labor thing.»
The whole labor and delivery was so fast.
Many women have a positive view of this phenomenon and end up looking at it as part of the whole labor and birth experience.
It can also interfere with an epidural block, making the whole labor process a nightmare (5).
He was amazing through my whole labor, just doing what I said I needed instead of what he thought I needed.
KRISTEN STRATTON: Because I was really nice my whole labor.
The discovery of Braxton Hicks contractions has helped to clear up the mystery of false labor and the whole labor process.
This whole labor and delivery thing is completely, totally and entirely under your control.
Remember, nurses and likely your practitioner change shifts, and even if it is the same practitioner and nurse your whole labor, they are hardly in the labor room with you — they are mostly watching you from screens outside.
That whole Labor Day Monday was wonderful but everyday since has felt like a Monday.
Brings me back to that whole labor of love deal.
I had a nurse do the same thing when I was in labor with my 2nd baby... I'm a queasy measy too & the blood all over the floor didn't help the whole labor experience!
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