Sentences with phrase «whole language based»

My post-bac education program, thankfully did require phonics and not whole language based on the recommendations of the NIH.

Not exact matches

But if you want to dig further and learn how a child's brain and nervous system develop, or understand Siegel's revolutionary theory of Mindsight, on which the tips are based, The Whole - Brain Child provides a rich and illuminating tour of scientific insights — all there in easy - to - read language, illustrated with real scenarios.
«We have over 18,000 families, 42,000 children, that need to be communicated on a regular basis in a whole host of languages other than English, to make sure they're aware of where they can go to get ongoing support.»
What these programs most often teach is not to adopt the whole language approach but that the candidate should develop her own approach to teaching reading, based on exposure to various philosophies and approaches, none more valid than any other.
In the late 1970s and early 1980s, when whole language first became popular, its proponents called it «psycholinguistics» in order to suggest that their favored approach had an unassailably scientific basis.
«Balanced» is supposed to signal that it conjoins the best of scientifically based instruction with the best of whole language.
A generation ago, the infamous «reading wars» pitted phonics - based instruction in the early grades against «whole language,» which emphasized reading for meaning instead of spelling, grammar, and sounding words out.
Loveless recalls the whole - language vs. phonics battle in reading instruction; project - based learning vs. content - oriented instruction in science; problem solving vs. computation skills in math; and multiculturalist, «national - sins» history vs. Eurocentric versions (He doesn't use the term «Eurocentric,» but it's implied).
Easy - to - use lessons are provided in each content area and include step - by - step instructions, as well as suggestions for whole and small group instruction and modifications based on students» levels of language proficiency.
Her written work includes Literature to Think About (a whole language curriculum published with Weston Woods Studios), Changing Schools into Communities for Thinking, Assessment in the Learning Organization, Assessment Strategies for Self - Directed Learning, Habits of Mind series, Thinking - Based Learning, Using Curriculum Mapping and Assessment to Improve Student Learning, many as collaborative efforts.
Describes how primary teachers can use decoding strategies within a literature - based, whole - language setting.
Most texts used to teach reading had been written by proponents of whole language methods, and there was only fleeting exposure to the kinds of scripted, phonics - based curriculums, like Open Court, that are increasingly being adopted in the nation's schools.
Replace debunked ineffective whole language practices with science - based practices such as early focus on word reading.
In our Early Childhood Program, CMI uses a whole language approach to English Language Arts, focusing on play - based and small group work in literacy and language.
Second, even those supporters who are open to external forms of accountability, or at least reporting outside the boundaries of the classroom or school, often claim that standardized tests, state assessments, and other external measures of student accomplishment do not provide sensitive indicators of the goals of curricula based upon whole language principles.
If whole language advocates were willing to play by the rules of external accountability, to assert that students who experience good instruction based upon solid principles of progressive pedagogy will perform well on standardized tests and other standards of performance, they would stand a better chance of gaining a sympathetic ear with the public and with policymakers.
This analysis documents the increasingly dominant force of whole language, literature - based reading and process writing in the discourse of elementary reading and language arts instruction.
Educational methods and ideologies that are constructivist, holistic, or learner - centered; or specific innovations such as whole - language learning, discovery - based science, or authentic assessment all hold opportunities for meaningful involvement.
If anytthing we have leanrt from the data that readers judge a book as a whole based on storyline, language, characters, plot et.
When female authors write under male pen names (or just use their gender ambiguous initials); when you call grown women girls; when you describe a medical procedure in sensational and inaccurate language; when you write about people of color using only food - based descriptors you're doing your audience a disservice and, in the end, damaging our society as a whole.
«Actually like having Atreus be an expert in Norse language and mythology is awesome because you can do a whole other set of design based on what Atreus is an expert in, that Kratos is sort of not,» Davis said before comparing the pair to a famous Pixar duo.
There are some elements of modernity that are welcome — the dual language voice options for one — but taken as a whole, they've reassembled the base components of the game, but somehow lost the original's charm in the process.
Most of Us Are Immigrants» combines language and objects to make conceptually - based public art that takes the whole city as its site.
Informed by a research - based, interdisciplinary process, her artworks are often marked by a visual language poised between film and theater, and a series of narrative experiments oscillating between script and document, fragment and whole.
A covered entity that denies access, in whole or in part, must provide the individual with a written denial in plain language that explains the basis for the denial.
Recently, they created an interface to be used with any browser and they also updated their mobile app to a whole new interface based on the current Android design language guidelines, plus a new feature here and there.
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