Sentences with phrase «whole life part»

The best way to make your whole life part of your prayer to the Father is to accept the cross (or crosses) he brings into your life.

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With a little help from my friends, I started to like both parts of my life a whole lot better.
Employees say: «Dun & Bradstreet has a strong focus on developing the «whole person» and in recognizing that work is just one part of an employee's life.
The death benefit and payment plan of any standard whole life insurance policy are set as part of the policy and do not change.
«Hurricanes are part of the life that we live year - to - year, but this one was unique because it took up the whole state.»
Loving what you do and finding a way to earn a living from it is the best thing each one of us can do coupled with knowing that work is just a part of life, not the whole thing.
For them, for a generation that grew up preparing for mass shootings the way those who are older grew up with fire drills, this shooting is part of an endemic problem that's been with them their whole lives.
I often want to fast forward through the difficulties of life to get to the more enjoyable parts, but that would defeat the whole purpose of the trial, wouldn't it?
The proof is in the pudding so to speak, since man was created by God in His image, there is within every person the knowledge of God.Standard equipment.In order to become an atheist you first have to lie yourself past your inner knowledge of God.You have to ignore your life, your spirit, your environment and the whole of creation.That takes a lot of lying to oneself, and you have to buy into a lot more lies to get there.This is not made up, it is a part of the process that ultimately allows the created to deny the creator, God.Deep down every atheist knows they are a liar, but as with any repeated sin the suppressed truth gets farther away, and harder to recognize.God bless
If human life is only a part of the cosmos, then it exists for the sake of the cosmos — as surely as an arm functions for the sake of the whole body.
«In order to get a perfect gradation between two forms in the upper and lower parts of the same formation, the deposit must have gone on continuously acc.umulating during a long period, sufficient for the slow process of modification; hence the deposit must be a very thick one; and the species, undergoing change must have lived in the same district throughout the whole time.
The lesson to be learned is to stop imposing human moral values on nature and to live as part of the ecosystem in such a way that the whole flourishes.
The other group sees human beings as part of the interconnected web of life, and it sees value in the whole rather than in its isolated parts.
We always make a secret comparison between a part and the whole; the termination of any period of life reminds us that life itself has likewise its termination; when we have done any thing for the last time, we involuntarily reflect that a part of the days allotted us is past, and that as more is past there is less remaining.
The problem is with supposing that the implications it generates should be applied to the real world in which markets are only one part of the whole of social life.
In this whole process of vocation, there is a role for spiritual direction and close friends who can help you examine different parts of your life in the search of a genuine call.
Perhaps above all they called men to share the timeless life of God so that they could regard their present lives as an almost infinitesimal part of an awe - inspiring and magnificent whole.
But it helps enormously, indeed it makes a fundamental change in our thinking, if we look upon the life we lead upon this small planet as temporary, as only part of a whole, the quality and extent of which we can only very dimly perceive.
The religious insight is the grasp of truth: that the order of the world, the value of the world in its whole and in its parts, the beauty of the world, the zest of life, and the mastery of evil, are all bound up together — not accidentally, but by reason of this truth: that the universe exhibits a creativity with infinite freedom, and a realm of forms with infinite possibilities; but that this creativity and these forms together are impotent to achieve actuality apart from the complete ideal harmony, which is God.61
«Daesh fighters have been systematically perpetrating mass atrocities, including killing members of religious groups such as Yazidis, Christians, Shia Muslims and others, causing serious bodily or mental harm to members of these groups, deliberately imposing conditions of life calculated to bring about their physical destruction in whole or in part
In contrast what we have is a living creation by a living creator that guides the parts and allows the whole to become as it chooses and the result is «the world we live in».
Since the church was so much a part of the whole of black life, I had to ask: What has the gospel of God to do with the extreme limits placed on the black community?
The 1948 Genocide Convention defines «genocide» as, among other things, «deliberately inflicting on» a religious group «conditions of life calculated to bring about its physical destruction in whole or in part
It does so in part because it grounds purpose and meaning — as well as fairness — in the shape of a whole life and not also in every moment of it.
It is an integral fusion, a response of the whole appetitive, emotional, and conceptual life of the individual to a sense of the value of the universe in its totality and in its diverse parts.
Peace is «harmonious relationships» not only with other people, but «other life, Earth, and the larger whole of which we are a part
The living substance, it is true, does have diversified parts for him, but they are in no sense quasi-individuals and the whole is not a synthesis of these parts.
For each individual the business, the duty and the interest of life consist in achieving, in opposition to others, his own utmost uniqueness and personal freedom; so that perfection, beatitude, supreme greatness belong not to the whole but to the least part.
You realize 10 tribes of Israel are scattered through all the earth which makes every one of us Israeli just cause we live in America in 2018 does nt mean it's not true Lucifer would like us to believe we are different nation's never Israeli he wins when you don't look at things as a whole cause then your only getting part of the picture.
The higher Presence, namely, need not be the absolute whole of things, it is quite sufficient for the life of religious experience to regard it as a part, if only it be the most ideal part.)
True community involves the enhancing of the life of the whole and of all parts through the mutual recognition and appreciation of those unique contributions which each constituent can make.
But arguable schemes of this sort do not constitute the whole, or perhaps even the most important part, of the life of the spirit.
But we are not able to do this by isolating a part of life, the part where the existence is related to itself and to its own being, but by becoming aware of the whole life without reduction, the life in which the individual, in fact, is essentially related to something other than himself.
Only as the Church recovers the reality of faith can it return to the debate and put sexuality into context as one part — and not the whole — of the Christian life
Worship and prayer may take place in a time set apart, but they can not be a serious endeavor on our part unless they give direction to the whole of our lives.
God is the life of the universe, immanent insofar as each part acts upon every other, and transcendent insofar as the whole acts upon each part.
When humans learned that the God of Israel was the fountain and origin of all that is, and of all the stunning intelligibility within every part of creation, they had a motive for dedicating their whole lives to unlocking the secrets hidden in creation.
First, the aim at intensity or richness of experience on the part of individual moments of the soul's life leads the soul to actualize itself in ways that are immediately rewarding to it, independently of their consequences for the organism as a whole.
He asks not for a part of our life, but for the whole of it.
But all such events are part of the whole person's entire life.
He observes that Christian religion has become a separate part among the other parts of life, a mere section of the whole.
Family systems, being part of the whole ecology of living systems, are organized, according to Bateson, by the aesthetic principles of nature.
As a part of this truth, we must balance the various parts of ourselves — mind, body and spirit — so that we can live into the flourishing of our whole selves.
Communism was not a part of life, or an umbrella for one's political sympathies — it was the whole of existence.
Life shapes you, you suffer other losses, some easier some not, you enjoy great moments of happiness, all building towards a time when you realize that the experience was just that... an experience that shaped you, revealed your darker side, and hopefully in the process brings you to a better place to be objective about the part you had during the whole process... be it victim, offender or innocent bystander.
The Christian gospel is not addressed to only a part of life, but to the whole of it.
The Christian gospel is not addressed to a part of life, but to the whole of it Reformed Christians have understood this; it is what they saw in the prophets and in the ministry of Jesus.
We are saying that even when death has brought an end to our conscious existence, our whole historical life remains as part of the history of the universe, and, as such, it continues to influence others for better or for worse.
We are mistaken if, with the fundamentalists, we deny or ignore the fact of this transfiguration and imagine that things always were as they later seemed; but we are likewise mistaken if, in the manner of modernists, we deny or ignore the value and truth of this transfiguration and thus fail to recognize the unity and transcendent meaning of the whole event and the exalted significance of the earthly life as a part of it.
This is true not only because, as we have seen, the memory of Jesus himself is embedded in the life of the church and is carried in its heart — a memory which no historical criticism can possibly discredit — but also because the real medium of the revelation is the event as a whole, and not any particular part of the event, however important.
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