Sentences with phrase «whole of human history»

Or as the Second Vatican Council put it: «The Church believes that the key, the centre and the purpose of the whole of human history is to be found in its Lord and Master... who is the same yesterday, and today, and forever.»
By page 12 of the introduction the reader has been wafted through a dizzying tour of nothing less than the whole of human history, from tribe to technopolis, from Sophocles to Lewis Mumford, from the Stone Age to Max Weber.
Further examples could be mentioned to illustrate the whole of human history.
We say that Christ is «the key, the centre and the purpose of the whole of human history» (Vatican II, Gaudium et Spes, n. 10), as well as unlocking the very meaning of all creation.
For Christianity begins with an historical fact, indeed its starting point is the most important event in the whole of human history.
Not much different than much that has happened in the whole of human history, isn't it?
Their convergence is leading to a situation unprecedented in the whole of human history.
When the wartime quarry worker ponders the great acts of barbarity that he has witnessed and when he looks for the answer to the evil of this century and for the whole of human history, he believes that humanity's greatest crimes are, at base, a rejection of God's revelation of the love that He has inscribed on our bodies.
For that reason there can be no adequate faith in the Resurrection without a deep hope here and now for the future of our own historical existence as tied up with the future of Christ and the whole of human history.
The Middle Ages were one of the most outstandingly creative periods in the whole of human history.
Don't you think they have the best, most elegant fashion in the whole of human history?
Her shape - shifting Mystique has gone from an alienated outsider to a would - be assassin whose actions will dictate the whole of human history.
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