Sentences with phrase «whole pitch»

The phrase "whole pitch" refers to an entire area or field where a game or activity takes place. It means the entire playing area from end to end or from side to side. Full definition
Well I sat through though whole pitch, and bought the program, but I am ready to ask for a refund.
LOS GATOS (30 - 6) The Wildcats return nearly whole pitching staff, which includes Harvard - bound Hunter Bigge who went 12 - 3 with a 0.72 ERA in 2015.
I sat by Sergey [Brin] on an airplane, and he gave me the whole pitch, and I was all excited about it.
Yet he's on the touchline, with a view of the whole pitch.
With a huge plethora of right sided midfielders, RM is the least important position on the whole pitch for us to try and make a signing.
its over, he should have left after the 2nd FA cup, he simply can not attract the real talent we need across the whole pitch,
He's on the sidelines and can see the whole pitch and the gaping hole between the midfield and defence and he was surprised!
I wanted to take him off, and then he takes the ball and crosses the whole pitch and [after that piece of action] he can not run anymore.
In effect we utilise our DM to cover gaps across the whole pitch.
Immobile ran the whole pitch and scored.
Elneny (7): He ran the whole pitch and did his best, but it was not enough to make him a starter in the team.
Plus running around the whole pitch is the reason why he gets tired easily and Wenger sub's him off.
he is a winner and that in a team full of shirkers and mentally fragile people that is a big factor... he is also calm under pressure, has been there and done it all so will easily command respect... add that to the fact that as a keeper he can see the whole pitch from his vantage point and correct any anomalies... not all captains are shouters or the aggresive type, Zidane was a captain that leads by example and he does not shout or act aggressively to get his point across
Of course, don't discount Rich Hill, who is pretty good at this whole pitching thing: Bryant strikes out on a 90 mph fastball, and Hill strands the runner his wildness created.
SHOOTING / FINISHING; You can run really fast, bully everyone, dribble past the whole pitch, be in all the right positions, but if you can't put the ball in the net, you don't earn the striker badge.
The animal crossed the whole pitch slowly, demonstrating its disinterest to the match.
Antonio nearly has the whole pitch to run into but Ramsey does well to get back and stop the danger quickly.
Emmanuel Adebayor was particularly impressive against Swansea, not for the fact that he scored two goals, but for his effort and work rate across the whole pitch.
His movement across the whole pitch makes him difficult to pick - up and allows him the space to get in, score goals and also create them.
Arrigo Sachi, the mastermind of the Milan side of the 80 ′ s, had once staked a claim that the next tactical revolution in the game, would be the conversion of the whole pitch into a midfield area.
If nobody comes to him he can see the whole pitch and has time.
Anyone else still adjusting to this whole pitch black at 5:30 thing?
So RentMoola ™'s whole pitch is that you'll accumulate rewards faster on your credit card if you pay for more stuff — rent, for instance — with your rewards credit card.
I figured I would hear the whole pitch about the game and that would be it.
This leads to an almost basketball - like gameplay where one player runs through the whole pitch (running with the ball oddly enough doesn't seem to slow down players in FIFA Mobile) and either shoots himself or crosses for a header.
Their whole pitch used to be about how cheap coal is.
The whole pitch of Amazon Go is that it is so convenient and quick, so easy to buy more than you need, so useful to give Amazon ever more detail about your most personal habits.
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