Sentences with phrase «whole power»

Globally, application developers have also responded to the needs and aspirations of the users, by creating a new era of applications that take advantage of whole power of mobile PC.
Accordingly, gentlemen, since the immortal gods have either transferred to you their whole power or at least have allowed you to share it, I now commend to your protection the counsel whom I previously entrusted to the immortal gods.
The Mishnah interprets the command «Thou shalt love the Lord thy God with all thy heart» as loving God with both the «good» and the «evil» impulses; this means loving Him with and through the act of decision, so that the ardour of passion is transformed and enters with its whole power into the single deed.
On days when your whole power grid is under stress (think super-hot summer days) or when you've got a lot going on (vacuuming while doing your laundry and running your air conditioning), your microwave may not be getting — or emitting — as much as power as usual.
Governors have subsumed the whole powers of government to themselves.
Switching to local grids can ultimately help make the whole power infrastructure more robust in emergencies such as hurricanes or solar storms.
Equipped with GPS, this technology gives you microsecond accuracy of time across the whole power system.
Use your whole power to evaluate what is the maximum of your motions.
As we know, the whole power will be sent to the front wheels even though there were a few rumors with...
If the motor is turning but just not moving the seat, then the power seat motor gear is bad and the whole power seat assembly would have to be inspected.
It's gonna run the whole power train more gently.
at the end of this year, we finally see a good app or game that can use the whole power of a dual core processor.
Likewise, if a dev's game requires the whole power of the Switch, they can make the game home console only.
But he also noted that Obama's «got the whole power of the oil industry on the other side.»
In addition to personally apologizing for the whole power management debacle, Apple CEO Tim Cook has revealed in a recent interview that iPhone performance throttling will soon be optional.
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