Sentences with phrase «whole responsibility»

But that doesn't mean we can't daydream about what it would be like to forget that whole responsibility thing and treat ourselves to these insanely covetable items.
Furthermore, while specialists in organization and management may properly be used, the whole responsibility for the coordination of work does not rest upon them.
There are other idle stakeholders such as Stan Kroneke and Ivan Gazidis who comfortably delegated the whole responsibility to Wenger to find this «catalyst for change».
I excelled in school so the whole responsibility track comes first hand.
And I said, «Well, politically, if I join the negotiations now and if we fail, then the whole responsibility will be on my shoulders.»
After you secure your first date, it's important to realize that only a small portion of the work has already been completed, and you still have the whole responsibility of impressing the woman on the date.
«It works because we give the students the whole responsibility....
Most teenagers are still working on the whole responsibility thing, and it's not a bad idea to get them into the habit of backing up their work in the cloud.
As recently reported, Aas wasn't very big on the whole responsibility part of being a CEO.
I too was supporting him financially, I set him up in a business which is not yet making money, I am taking the whole responsibility for our financials and my mum is helping us out to try and help him to make it work and this is how he repays me.
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