Sentences with phrase «whole sphere»

These friendships informed the artists» works; Elaine de Kooning called Siskind «a painters» photographer,» noting that «he completely rejects whole spheres of photographic possibilities... to go looking for forms as highly personal as any that a painter could invent.»
In the later 1950s, as I matured within the loving bonds of that society, Africa became for me not one side of a bridge but a whole sphere of redemptive life, sustaining within itself those features which earlier I had felt must come from outside.
Clearly, if all of our powers and all of the possible uses of our powers are governed by the demand for love, the whole sphere of action through which we actualize our powers must be at least indirectly governed by this same demand.
Generalizing the standard model of flocking motion to the curved surface of a sphere rather than the usual linear plane or flat three - dimensional space, Bowick's team found that instead of spreading out uniformly over the whole sphere, arrowlike agents spontaneously order into circular bands centered on the equator.
Human feelings and relationships is a whole sphere of science that is studied by numerous psychologists, writers, artists as well as by us.
There are 2 * π steradians in a hemisphere of directions; all directions over a whole sphere occupy 4 * π steradians.
Because of the whole sphere on an axis thing, we should see warm places getting warmer first — there's more sun hitting the equator to the tropical lines that can be trapped by Ye Olde Greenhouse Effect.
For the readers see what Neutrino calculated, the outer sphere is the whole sphere formed by the orbit of the Earth around the Sun.
Before he makes an important Facebook announcement that he wants his whole sphere to see, he posts something silly he knows people will like, which boosts his engagement numbers.
«Moxi Engage allows an agent to coalesce their whole sphere into one place.
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