Sentences with phrase «whose meanings change»

This might be specialized vocabulary whose meanings change depending on the context, or it might be technical words that represent only one concept.
He offers particularly compelling documentation for his central contention that childhood is a social construct whose meaning changes to accord with changes in the larger cultural definitions of human nature.
Using a song writing technique of relying on a refrain of lyrics whose meaning changes over the course of the song, the performance rose to its crescendo when American dollar bills (or its facsimile) vomiting from the singers into the crowd who scooped them up, while the singers vocalized «confirm thy soul in self - control» providing a harsh contrast to the song's lofty ideals of brotherhood, beauty and abundance portrayed in the American patriotic song.

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He argued, in his inimitable style, for a «dead Constitution» — whose meaning is fixed until changed by formal amendment — over a «living Constitution» that a judge can manipulate into whatever shape he wishes.
Hauerwas insists the first task of the church is to be a people, an ecclesia, called out from the world (the root meaning of ek - klesia), whose task is not first to change the world but to form a people who live in accordance with the nonviolent way of Jesus.
An enormous number of small changes have been introduced, few of them creating major shifts in meaning but whose cumulative effect is to produce a magnificent translation — in short, a stunning achievement.
Critical thinker, You study a little science and suddenly you feel you have it figured out, Your meaning of life and the after life is based on other men's hypotheses, Yet it makes such good sense to you that you make a life choice based on it, then you stand up and criticize a person whose made a life choice based on A holy Book written 2000 years ago, When it comes down to it how are you any different, Your choices based on science which changes daily and theirs on the prophets.
The document, whose main title reads «A Treasure in Earthen Vessels», asks about the tradition of faith through the times and within the koinonia, the fellowship of the churches — a question to be asked again and again facing ever - changing challenges.6 To speak about «earthen vessels» means, in a rather free but not unusual interpretation of II Cor 4:7.
But my point here is that regrettable changes in our economy may not simply express the will of the market gods, but may instead mean something so straightforward as that those whose decisions influence the economy might not be good at their work.
In addition, your tween's body and brain are growing at a rapid pace, and that can be confusing to a child whose not ready for change, or unsure about what all those changes mean.
The civil service is generally an efficient machine whose professional approach means few suggestions get anywhere unless they are supported by evidence that change must happen and that it is in the public interest.
In fact, climate change may mean migration — and the loss of a sense of place for folks as disparate as Pacific islanders whose homelands drown, to herders forced to abandon their pastoral ways in the Sahel.
Our language is filled with scientific words whose meanings have changed based on new discoveries and broader understandings.
In a 2016 study in the journal Pediatrics, transgender children who socially transitioned (meaning they have changed their gender expression, choosing to go by a different name and pronouns and possibly also altering their clothing and hairstyle) and felt supported in their identities had normal levels of depression and only slightly elevated levels of anxiety compared to kids whose gender identity corresponded to their birth sex.
«There's no way we're going to give up on bringing Montessori to public schools, and if that means changing how we do it, then we will,» added Muldrow, a director of youth programming and inclusion for a Madison nonprofit whose two children, ages 2 and 7, attend IMA.
But Stewart (whose name we've changed) has found it's tough to figure out the federal government program for seniors of modest means.
How it stands out: Sallie Mae is the only lender whose bar loans don't have fixed rates — rates are variable, meaning they're subject to change as economic conditions fluctuate.
In general, an ownership change occurs when, as of any testing date, the aggregate of the increase in percentage points is more than 50 percentage points of the total amount of a corporation's stock owned by «5 - percent stockholders,» within the meaning of the NOLs limitations, whose percentage ownership of the stock has increased as of such date over the lowest percentage of the stock owned by each such «5 - percent stockholder» at any time during the three - year period preceding such date.
Dogs do gestures whose meaning can change depending on the situation.
Coins are collected via usual means in Super Mario Land 2: 6 Golden Coins, but they can now be used to buy extra lives and power - ups through a gambling minigame whose stats can be changed depending on how much was spent.
MAKER grants, therefore, endeavor to honor these artists whose work actively engages with social issues — with an eye towards using the strategies, beauty, and meaning of art - making for positive change.
Hybrid Topographies presents narratives by fourteen contemporary artists from Latin America whose work stems from a place of encounters as a means to understand the other and as potential sites for change and transformation.
Since the government is not doing it, there should be a consortium of powerful and influential small crafs owners (Hollywood types, business executives, etc.) whose means and environmental awareness could spur research and help transform GA in a petri dish of change, instead of the collection of antiquated technologies that it is today.
Doing nothing until the end of the decade would also likely mean curtains for low - lying areas and small island states, including the Maldives, whose President Mohamed Nasheed I advise on climate change issues.
Responsibility for emissions falls heaviest on Americans whose backs are * not * against the wall, and who have the means to change if they can find the motivation.
What this means is that the overall rate of absorption of CO2 by the oceans is a complex function of numerous processes — biological, chemical and physical — whose individual contributions are still a matter of active scientific research (and which are certainly changing as the planet warms).
Through relentless pressure on the media to present the issue «objectively,» and by challenging the consensus on climate change science by misstating both the nature of what «consensus» means and what this particular consensus is, ExxonMobil and its allies have confused the public and given cover to a few senior elected and appointed government officials whose positions and opinions enable them to damage U.S. credibility abroad.
Unfortunately the same can't be said for DBS and OCBC, whose substandard policies and commitments mean they still have no qualms about polluting Vietnamese lungs and worsening climate change,» said Market Forces executive director Julien Vincent.
Take a small example: Moving away from internal - combustion automobiles and trucks means more than just swapping in electric vehicles and expanding public transit; it also means building the infrastructure to support the new transportation system (chargers, added bus lines, additional electric power plants), retraining the people whose livelihoods were based on maintaining conventional vehicles, changing how cities are laid out and much more.
For Klein, whose career has always focused on fighting capitalism, climate change merely means we must renew that fight.
The Convention on Climate Change establishes a setting to discuss legally binding means of addressing these issues, and it «recognizes that the climate system is a shared resource whose stability can be affected by industrial and other emissions of carbon dioxide and other greenhouse gases.»
«Critically ill,» with respect to a minor child or adult, means a minor child or adult whose baseline state of health has significantly changed and whose life is at risk as a result of an illness or injury.
Moving on to imaging, neither the main 12 - megapixel rear camera nor the front - facing 8 - megapixel selfie camera, both of whose lenses possess f1.7 focal ratios, will see resolution improvements compared to the Galaxy S7 — but that doesn't mean nothing has changed.
Google has been sending out emails to developers whose apps use Android's built - in accessibility API stating that any apps that do so in a manner meant to do anything besides help users with disabilities will have to change the offending behavior, or risk being de-listed from the Play Store.
Most notable is Samsung, whose emoji often give off a completely different vibe from everyone else — to the extent they can often literally change the meaning of your text.
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