Sentences with phrase «whose value declines»

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In light of the stock market's recent decline, investors seem increasingly to be giving the tech sector the cold shoulder, with stunning drops in value of once high - flying stocks, among them the micro-blogging site Twitter, whose stock is down more than 50 percent compared to September of 2014.
Contrast that with the lower class, who saw the median value of their assets slide by 47 %, and the working class, whose asset value declined 27 %.
Foreign central banks must choose between passively letting these inflows push up their exchange rates — thereby pricing their exports out of global markets — or recycling these inflows into U.S. Treasury bills yielding only 1 % and whose exchange value is declining.
The part I struggle with is that ultimately the mortgage constitutes leverage whose value works for me if the market appreciates (woohoo the money I didn't pay the mortgage off with appreciates in the market), and against me if the market declines (aww shucks — the money I didn't pay the mortage off with is worth less now cause the market is down).
«Value traps» are cheap for a reason — perhaps an inept and entrenched management, a poor history of capital allocation, or assets whose value is in inexorable decline.&rValue traps» are cheap for a reason — perhaps an inept and entrenched management, a poor history of capital allocation, or assets whose value is in inexorable decline.&rvalue is in inexorable decline
Perhaps, as some argue, Trump channels the anxieties of a class whose economic and social standing is in demonstrable decline as a cynical ploy to win popularity — this is a man who once called the poor «morons» — while winking at the «establishment,» who can take comfort in knowing that this reality - television caricature of themselves actually shares their political opportunism, if not their economic values.
How are Arsenal going to make a bidding for a player whose value on the field of play will be gradually declining by the reason of his aging as he becomes a spent force in 3 years time when he clocked 30.
For those whose home value has declined in recent years, or simply hasn't recovered since historical peaks in the mid 2000s, it's common to have an extremely high outstanding mortgage balance.
There's good news, however, for homeowners whose home - equity credit lines» limits have been lowered because of declining property values.
Because contrarian investors typically buy stocks that are out of favor or whose prices have declined, contrarian investing can be seen as similar to value investing.
But ultimately, Donegal's value isn't found in its earnings, its diversification, or even its core Produce division (whose operating margin has declined from 10 % five years ago, to losses today)-- it's found in its intrinsic value (a EUR 9.46 Base Case NAV still looks reasonable on a Sum - of - the - Parts basis), and more importantly, it's in the potential to wind - down its entire portfolio & progressively cannibalise its outstanding shares (thereby transforming DCP into a multi-bagger investment).
«They are hurt by declines in agricultural productivity but the value of their farm output may rise due to higher food prices, increasing their incomes,» explained Ahmed, whose findings are published in Environmental Research Letters.
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