Sentences with phrase «why grains and legumes»

If you want to learn more about why meat is so unhealthy and why grains and legumes are so very healthy, this site is a great place to start.

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Here's why you should always soak your grains, beans and legumes.
OH, also, why are the «toxins» in grains and legumes considered «toxic», but those in vegetables and fruits (like oxalates) not considered toxic.
That's why I'm putting myself through a month of no grains, no alcohol, no sugar, no dairy, no legumes and no processed foods for a whole month.
Of course, the main reasons why you should avoid soy are the same reasons why you should stay away from other grains and legumes.
Practical Paleo explains why avoiding both processed foods and foods marketed as «healthy» — like grains, legumes and pasteurized dairy — will improve how you look and feel and lead to lasting weight loss.
Essentially, going gluten - free should mean eliminating processed food from your life, which is why I have a low threshold to also recommend elimination of co-reactive foods like dairy (casein), corn, soy, and in some cases legumes (including peanuts), and gluten free grains like rice and millet.
When I did the Cleanse in 2015, non-gluten grains and beans / legumes were allowed; why have they been removed from the Cleanse diet?
It's why I eat more vegetables, legumes and more whole grains than I used to.
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