Sentences with phrase «why it places»

It's not difficult to understand why he places so much faith in this approach to business.
For example, studies show customers buy less when their arms are full — which is why placing empty shopping baskets or carts in the middle of a retail store can dramatically increase sales per customer.
Why place that once - a-year bet on H - 1Bs when you're growing fast and needed a new engineer yesterday?
That is why this place, the world, the Church, the country, the you name it's... are all a mess.
You have yet to explain why places like Kansas are struck by tornadoes and why Missouri is flooded on a regular basis, you nincompoop.
It is not clear why place - making should be treated any differently.
That is why I place so much effort and emphasis on teaching Scripture, and as I do, always pointing you to Jesus Christ.
Old Steve, except for your caveat in the parentheses (why place that limit?
Eddie Tulasiewicz from the National Churches Trust, which commissioned the survey, told Premier there was a simple explanation to explain why places of worship ranked below castles.
That's why I place such a strong emphasis on the new covenant in my book Viral Jesus.
Nobody wanted to see that, which is why the place erupted when Brock got the three count.
Why place blame on Wenger for a player doing nothing wrong?
So why place a top five pick value on him this season.
Wonder why the place is like a library.
Evaluating why you placed certain bets, why you took action on certain games can be helpful in understanding your personal tendencies and evolving who you are as a sports bettor.
My grandmother loved this part of the country and I now understand why this place is called Ghost Ranch.
Why place unreasonable expectations on others.
May 23: A Birthmother In An Open Adoption: What I Want You To Know Jeanie, a Salt Lake City birthmother, explains why she placed her children for adoption and what she wants adoptive and birth families to know about the process.
Debbie Zeichner, LCSW - Parent Coach, talks about why placing a child in time - out is not helpful for teaching him how to deal with his emotions.
We are lucky that my son's birth mother wrote him a BEAUTIFUL letter explaining exactly why she placed him with us.
I wanted to write something for people who live in Britain in particular, to try to explain why the place is so weird.
The spokesman added: «We have still to receive a full explanation from the Electoral Commission as to why they placed private information about our supporters in the public domain and we are consulting our legal team about next steps.
This «oasis at the bottom of the ocean,» as Widder calls it, is also a hotbed of activity for bioluminescent animals, which is why she placed her camera there.
Why place limitations on your abilities when you can just get out of your own way and reach the sky?
Get to know WHO we are and WHAT we do + WHY this place will feel like home.
Why place on warm water.
But booo to the damper at Liv, I will never understand why places make a big deal out of nothing which will just leave a bad taste in prospective guests / customer's mouths.
The whole reason why I placed my order in a first place, were their RINGGGS and necklaces that I just fell in love with!
Click to read the rest at Refinery 29 to see why this place wins my whiskey - loving heart!
However, at we start from square 1 and that is why we place such a big emphasis on the 1 month plan.
Which may explain just why these places are on the list: What black woman is going to expect a white guy in a «racist» location to approach her?
But despite it being the second largest city on the island of Ireland, Belfast has a relatively small number of absolutely astounding date locations, which is why the places on our list are likely to appear elsewhere on Belfast bucket lists and dating sites; that said, though, there is something for everyone here, and has really done its homework to come up with the best date ideas to give you and your partner experiences worth remembering for a lifetime.
If so, try writing a sentence or two that describes why that place is special to you.
But why place all the blame on the genre itself, especially after we've seen it work so well?
The Book of Henry by director Colin Trevorrow is so fantastical that it could never truly happen and that's why I place it straight into the magical realism category that his first major feature Safety Not Guaranteed is in.
Yet, in this film with no dialogue, there's also an air of mystery and suspense, as clues are left to exactly why this place is left at the behest of the amphibian interlopers.
(Italy and the UK) To be able to offer explanations for why places have a range of different features.
Why place this burden on Christian - school students?
For an insightful look at the test industry, Todd Farley's under - publicized 2009 chronicle, Making The Grades, recounting his many years working in the test industry would make anyone question why we place any stock whatsoever in our children's «standardized» test results.
Well then, I can see why some places sell, albeit separately, a higher octane but more expensive gasoline (e.g., $ 9.99 / gallon) called «racing fuel»:) Granted, I also don't own any vehicle with an engine that can fully take advantage of that either!
That's why I placed a pickup order, which sat ready on the counter.
«I don't know why this place has always been special for me, but a lot of it is that I've been here with good people,» O'Connell continued.
And why place the interior door handles low and in the front of the door panels?
Which is why placing too much emphasis on reader reviews is bad for writers and readers alike.
Apparently, there was a reason why this place was called the Inferno.
Read Cyndy's terrific post for specifics on why she placed her career in the hands of these visionaries.
This is why we place more value on your current situation to make our decisions.
We'll explain why these places are thriving, and tell you which neighbourhoods are attracting the most interest from home buyers in each city.
Most inspectors say sales and marketing cost a lot and have no guaranteed return, which is why they place it on the backburner.
That's why we place a high value on a sustained history of dividend payments.
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