Sentences with phrase «why keeping your focus»

It's primarily why I keep my focus on dogs and cats.
That is why keeping your focus in the most important part of saving to travel.

Not exact matches

That's why he is focused on keeping costs down — there's that small team, big customer model again — and supplementing the wares with such loyalty - engendering value - added services as same - day shipping.
So, Lev - Ram asked Felten, why does Alphabet keep pumping money into X rather than focus on the company's core advertising business that generated more than $ 24 billion in revenue in the most recent quarter?
In this edited excerpt, the authors discuss why you need to keep the focus on offline marketing for your boomer and senior prospects.
The drug is called Acthar, and for the past year it has been the focus of a study by the Oregon Health and Science University School of Medicine and Oregon State that has been trying to understand why doctors keep prescribing it for ailments it has never been proved to treat effectively.
Here's why it keeps happening: Whenever those drivers hit a telephone pole, they do it because they are focusing on the pole, not the road.
That's why high - performing CEOs and entrepreneurs keep their thoughts completely focused on success, whether that means studying successful businesses in other industries or envisioning the success of their own businesses.
That's why Miller Lite wants to keep the focus on Bud Light, in hopes of stealing share.
That's why we collaborate with financing partners so you can focus on your goals instead of the barriers that keep you from reaching them.
This is why it is futile to keep talking to you; you seem more focused on scoring points in your mind than actually talking about issues anybody else raised in a constructive manner.
Still, if we keep our focus on the typically underexplored question of why the Great War continued, it seems to me that one has to take account of the nihilism, racism, and will - to - power that warped European high culture in the latter decades of the nineteenth century, making what now appear to be acts of civilizational suicide both rational and unavoidable.
This is why the Jewish religious leaders of that time became so focused on properly keeping the Law of Moses.
Maybe this is why Paul paradoxically advised the brainy Greeks (2Cor4) to keep their attention focused on the eternal UN-seen (faith) rather than their own certainties.
So why the relentless focus on dietary laws, circumcision and Sabbath - keeping?
When I started my blog and instagram account last year I started following way too many people, some because of their food, some for their lifestyle or creativity, some for the aesthetics... but recently I realized that I spend so much time scrolling through my feed, comparing, feeling bad about my work, my life or simply not good enough that I decided to unfollow quite a few of those accounts, keep only the ones that make me feel good and positive and to focus more on creating, shooting, baking, styling so basically all those things that make me happy and fulfilled and being the reason why I started doing this in the first place!
And all clear upgrades... So why is wenger focusing his efforts on keeping Campbell....
«That's why I think it was a very interesting night for Danny, because he kept it simple, he focused on the game and he scored the winner for us.
I tried to keep focused but I understood why the boss wanted to substitute me.
«We've got to keep focusing on that and that's why we're taking things game by game.
I don't get why he can't focus on us and our title drought but instead keep nosing and snooping around in others» business.
Why not focus on keeping the horse in the barn and not chastise efforts after the horse is already out.
I have been listening to your podcast every day for weeks and you have helped me stay sane when I had thrush and cracked nipples, kept me focus on why I am pumping through the pain and have been my friend when I had low milk supply».
Keep focusing on why you wrote the book and who you wrote it for.
However, if you can keep people focussed on the real total wealth available, and have them ask why they are being asked to fight over the crumbs, you can create a population unwilling to sacrifice its less enfranchised members out of a misguided sense of survival.
«He's actually even drilling down further and bringing more issues to the forefront on behalf of women's issues,» she said, «and so if he keeps delivering the way he's delivering and he keeps the focus on making women's lives better, I honestly don't see why we wouldn't want to endorse him.»
But rather than pointing to state issues — like abortion rights or campaign finance — that Democrats typically highlight when arguing why Republican control of the chamber is bad, the governor kept his focus on the GOP in Washington.
A better understanding of why people's attention meanders has several practical applications, including finding ways to keep students focused during class.
To keep your motivation high and focused on a goal, it is often helpful to remember why you formed the goal in the first place.
This is why your best bet is to go for complex carbs that are higher in fiber — not only will they be more filling, but they'll also keep you satisfied longer, which means they're a good option whether you're focused on fat loss or maintenance.
This is why the focus should be kept on the internal health and body metabolism system.
Many of us have more than one reason but by focusing on the real «why» behind your new lifestyle choice, you can stay committed much easier than relying on basic willpower to keep you from eating too many starchy or sugary carbs.
That's why I like to use the KISS method (keep it simple, stupid), and focus on the supplements that have been tested and re-tested for maximum results.
Prevent yourself from getting caught up in the negative aspects of keeping fit, and focus on all the reasons why you desire a fit body.
Opening to new ideas and focusing on my own practice keeps my view clear as to why I practice yoga.
Discovering and focusing on WHY you want a natural birth will keep you going when the going gets tough.
A strong focus on why you're cleaning your closet helps keep you from wanting to scrap everything and start over.
I don't know why I ever stopped doing it, but it's so helpful in keeping me focused on the right things (and accountable, like you said).
The focus in this outfit is really on the necklace and the brooch — this is why I kept the other accessories simple and clean
I find it helps to focus on convincing myself of why I don't need to keep adding to my wardrobe, hence the arguments against your must - have items.
That's why having an editorial calendar can really help keep you focused and on track.
That's why we've written a list of dos and don'ts to keep you safe online so you can focus on the fun part — falling in love.
Initiating a first date is all about great communication and keeping your conversation focused on getting to know them and why you're so interested.
Keep your mobile number safe At eHarmony, our focus is on keeping you safe and keeping your love life private — which is why you can't just trawl or randomly browse profiles.
WHY: The fourth season of «The Walking Dead» may be plagued by many of the same problems as previous years, but while its tendency to let plotlines drag on for too long causes the show to grind to a halt at times, the renewed focus on keeping the story moving even when its characters aren't plays a huge part in its success.
When: February 27th Why: Generic title aside, «Focus» has a couple things going for it that have kept me cautiously optimistic.
WHY: Following the success of «Arrow» and «The Flash,» it seemed like a no - brainer to keep the DC TV party rolling with a spinoff series that focused on some of the fringe characters from those other shows.
They also keep students focused on why they are taking specific action and striving for a specific goal.
This is one of the reasons why we should start focusing more attention on ways to curb the outward flow of home - trained teachers as part of an overall strategy to ensure that future supply keeps pace with demand.
It's difficult to remain one - hundred percent focused on driving, which is why so many vehicles have features that can help keep you safe on the road, and why the Insurance Institute for Highway Safety performs tests to see which vehicles will best help you safely reach your destination.
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