Sentences with phrase «why other christians»

I agree, although it is hard for me to understand why other christians would not want to read up on this stuff?
When asked why other Christians should follow his example and tour the Holy Land, Welby answered: «A pilgrimage here is the most marvellous opportunity for reflection on the common truths that all Christians hold that bring us before the face of Christ.
I'm a Christian, and I can't see why other Christians feel so threatened by Atheists.
To understand why the Catholic Church is against contraception (and why all other Christian churches opposed it until the 1930's), please do some researcch at some reputable places.

Not exact matches

The reason why Mormons and other Christian sects so desperately want to bring Jews into their fold is to legitimize their false religion.
Why is it that it's other Christians who give me guilt, shame and fear?
Why should Christians be silent with their concerns when so many other groups, including Atheist, are doing the same?
OK minus the flood... He might seem like a myth but he give hope and light when you feel lost in the dark and if anyone should have second thoughts it should be Christians we die for him get more flack then any other religion why because we found love that you and others can't understand?
why is the christian myth rooted in the Jewish one... Read Caesar's Messiah by Joseph Atwill to learn why and many other questions on the Roman created myth.
I recall being at the business school in the 1980's and getting approached by some of the other students that were married and being questioned quite pointedly about why I was not a member of the Christian Business Association.
I «m puzzled, though, why you and other Christians are so offended by the article.
It is what has lead me to my veiw that Atheism as a religion, the passion most Atheist have for their point of view from the start you may not fall in this category but I'm sure you know someone that does.The same applies to Christians that freak out on someone and start forcing their view on others, I see that as wrong also if someone asks or brings the debate to you then by all means debate but why be rude how does it help?
To all Christians why is it that you reject the existence of thousands of gods claimed by other religions, but feel outraged when someone denies the existence of yours.
Why are Christians so concerned with what other people do in their bedrooms?
Since Christians show no respect for others, why should we show any respect for their (stolen from pagans) holiday?
Ya, that's why we need to start running candidates who do not believe in the Christian deity or any other mythological deity.
Why do Christians just conveniently forget these passages in their fervor to condemn others with whom they don't agree?
When you compare the key person or founder, date, location; key writings; who is God; who is Jesus; who is the Holy Spirit; how to be saved (salvation); what happens after death; and other facts, beliefs, or practices you will learn why Mormonism is deem a cult and not part of the Christian faith.
And Why do Christians and atheist constantly fight and debate each other?
None of the other Christian churches can agree on those topics either so why should the mormons be any different?
Why do christians and atheists always have to bash each other ALL OF THE TIME?
Why are so many non believers here posting negative comments about the Catholic and other Christian beliefs?
if you do not understand why baptizing someone who was killed for being jewish by other christians is not only offensive but a sin then i am sure hell has a spot reserved for you.
Finally, the statement needed to explain why this issue is both more significant and less open to disagreement than other issues over which Christians disagree, such as just war and pacifism.
That's why I find it interesting to hear Christians commonly describe their love of Jesus as being more powerful than any other form of love they've ever experienced.
It's also AMAZING that so many «christian figures» so closely resemble Mithra figures, hmmm I wonder why that is (actually I know why that is, christianity was «made» out of several other religions).
Perhaps the Christians know, down deep somewhere, that there is no cosmic judge, and that's why they feel the need to judge others.
That is why Christians are to love each other and everyone else.
Speaking of being open - minded, if the church (including the Christian extremists) were open - minded, why do they bother trying to denounce and use the government to insure gays don't have the same rights as others?
In that forum even some Christians had to admit the folly that a so called «god» was in control since they didn't wish to admit that this god killed those heros (or just looked the other way why they were killed).
Different belief is why the christians send missionaries... to attack others beliefs, same reason the Mormons and Jehovah Wtnesses knock on your door.
As Christians, it is so important that we keep ourselves educated and seek to understand how and why others are suffering.
It is understandable why the New York Times's Editorial Board would conclude that Christians view sinners as inferior — the tragic history of Christianity, even within our own country, offers many examples of Christians who have used sin as an excuse to dehumanize, discriminate, and hate others.
@Dave if Christians are ruining America why did we have all these shooting, and other problems after the Pledge of Allegiance and prayer was taken out of school.
Even the christian's god believes there are other gods... why else would «he» have told them to not worship them?
Among other coverage of persecution and international religious freedom in 2015, CT reported how Libya's martyrs witnessed to Egypt, how the video of a 10 - year - old forgiving ISIS went viral, and why there were only 53 Christians among America's 2,184 Syrian refugees.
I have yet to figure out why Christians think that we need a God figure to do good works for other people.
I been saying this a number of times in the blogs now, that if someone other than Christian did this at a meeting... I will tune them out if I choose to... my point had been... why cant anyone else tune people out..
But if you don't champion the place of the arts within the Body of Christ, if you don't encourage young Christians to pursue the calling God has put on their hearts, if you don't train up your creative troops to stand and fight, then why on earth would you — would we — expect to see the Church being anything other than routed in the world of entertainment?
Moreover, the problem of primitive Christianity is not to account for early Christian messianism — for there was enough of that element in ancient Judaism, after the second century before Christ — but to explain why Christianity survived when other messianic movements came to nothing and disappeared.
Why is it that you can mock, hate, make fun of, call names etc about others, but when anyone says anything back to you, you whine about them not acting Christian like?
Why is Christian morality more right than any other religion's morality, or our atheistic morality?
And if you want to know why Christians are often seen as hypocritical and violent, it is because we defend the actions in the Bible as «holy and just» while condemning identical behavior in people of other religions.
Oh, this is fun, I like seeing «christian» conspiracies and mud slinging on CNN, but it makes me wonder, why arent there any other personal slanderings of any other religions group by CNN?
If christians can't abide by their own rules, why should others?
2 catholics, 2 mormons, 1 black, 1 woman, and Ron Paul among others even though the media keeps tropping out the same old dog about how Chirsitans can't support a Catholic or a Mormon — why does CNN and MSNBC hate Christians and whites so much??
Therefore he «converted» to Christianity and made it the state religion, which is why Europe, the Americas and other parts of the world got forced into being Christian.
Dee Ann, why does anyone need to be «hired» for that, and for other god - fraud - selling activities that moronic Christians seem to need to keep their pathetic pyramid scheme going.
Christians and other worshipers should never question why our young people and the often devout, question the teachings of religion and that of many churches.
Also why can't the pope walk on water considering he has the most faith or perhaps the other Christians could walk on water instead?
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