Sentences with phrase «why planetary warming»

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The argument for geoengineering goes like this: the world is getting inexorably warmer; governments show no sign of drastically reducing greenhouse gas emissions, so why not control the planetary thermostat by finding a way to filter, block, absorb or reflect some of the sunlight hitting the Earth?
If global warming is really a planetary emergency, why won't he deliver the same talk for $ 50,000?
It is rapidly expanding energy use, mainly driven by fossil fuels, that explains why humanity is on the verge of breaching planetary sustainability boundaries through global warming, biodiversity loss, and disturbance of the nitrogen - cycle balance and other measures of the sustainability of the earth's ecosystem.
Now you need to decide if this amount (about 0.05 W / m2, or 50mW) is really important in explaining why the Earth surface is warmer than the planetary emission temperature is.
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