Sentences with phrase «wide criticism»

One provision in the visa proposal that has drawn wide criticism would require covered visa applicants to report five years of their social media activities, including the handles used over the period.
During this time, Richter received wide criticism for his express refusal to be identified with a specific artistic movement, as well as for his work's apparent unwillingness to acknowledge various social and political issues pertaining to the WWII Nazi regime.
But when the court did just that on Oct. 14, it drew wide criticism for missing an opportunity to resolve a long - running dispute over judicial discretion in sentencing.
A state task force proposes these state Senate districts for Queens, which has received wide criticism in the borough.
Despite wide criticism from the research community, Secretary Duncan remains firmly committed to tying teacher evaluations to students» annual progress on standardized examinations, and without annual examinations of all students, you can not run their results through discredited and unstable statistical models to determine if teachers deserve their jobs.
This echoes wider criticism of the schism between spending on deficits and dividends, which came to the fore last year.
News of the sales drew wide criticism, including from Rep. Ted Lieu, D - Calif., who tweeted that «if true, the timing of these large sales of stock by Equifax manager is quite troubling.»
Given the wide criticism he received over the last two weeks for failing to condemn White Supremacists who committed murder and mayhem earlier this month in Charlottesville, Va., the pardon is also a clear sign of where his administration stands when it comes to the federal role of protecting the civil rights of poor and minority communities.
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