Sentences with phrase «wide needs assessment»

Initial funds were used to prioritize island - wide needs assessment of risk factors before implementing home visiting services for 60 families in 2011.
Oneida County's Livable Communities Project continues to move forward with today's announcement of the hiring of a project coordinator, the release of two community - wide needs assessment surveys and a series of upcoming stakeholder forums.
Oneida County's Livable Communities Project continues to move forward with today's announcement of the hiring of a project coordinator, the release of two community - wide needs assessment surveys and a series of upcoming... Read more

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The genuine concerns about economics, our relationship with our fellow UK countries and the wider world are all in need of assessment and have been the most common subject of contested claims.
Fluid needs can differ greatly among individuals due to variation in the factors that influence both water loss and solute balance; thus, adequacy is consistent with a wide range of fluid intakes and is better gauged using hydration assessment methods.
Cities themselves consume resources, including food, timber, water and energy, harvested over vastly wider areas than the land that they physically occupy, and this greater footprint needs to be considered in any overall assessment to get a true picture.
«Among the 20 issues identified is the need to raise awareness of biosecurity across Europe and the implementation of European - wide legislation for this; the dedication of resources for the long - term management of invasive species; the development of new technology to detect new invasives, and early warning systems to alert EU states to their spread; new European - wide risk assessment methods; emergency powers to eradicate alien species once they become established; and effective communications to raise awareness of invasive species, so the public will know what to look for and how to report it.»
«We need a longer ban to have a serious impact assessment and monitoring at the member state level according to E.U. - wide methodologies,» Contiero says.
«There's wide recognition that annual assessments — those required by federal law — have done much to shine a light on the places and groups of students most in need of help.
The principal shall determine each such student's need for academic intervention services by administering a State - developed or State - approved assessment or by reviewing such student's transcript, where available, or by use of a district - wide screening procedure applied uniformly across each grade.
To help educators select the best SEL assessment tools for their needs, the Raikes Foundation recently commissioned a report to examine a wide variety of SEL assessments to determine which were the most reliable, valid and usable for schools to measure SEL program effectiveness over time.
Using a wide range of item types, our banks engage students in complex thinking needed for college and career readiness and can be used to create multiple types of classroom, school, and district assessments.
Given our heading for this section, it should be obvious that assessment - capable visible learners need to be exposed to a wide range of learning and study tools, and then be encouraged to use them.
The Educational Specialist will have the responsibility, in consultation with administration, to design and implement curriculum, develop school - wide instructional strategies, and administer assessments in an effort to best fit the needs of the school's target students.
Besides illustrating school - wide areas that need improvement, universal SEL assessments identify individual students who need additional supports and instruction.
«Truly productive assessment systems within schools and districts serve the information needs of a wide variety of important assessment users.
They've created a positive, district - wide climate of formative assessment that enables educators to target their curriculum design and instruction to more successfully meet their students needs.
Google says: «Formative assessment refers to a wide variety of methods that teachers use to conduct in - process evaluations of student comprehension, learning needs, and academic progress during a lesson, unit, or course.»
To achieve this goal, PARCC will develop «assessments to help educators improve teacher, school, and system effectiveness by providing a wider variety of data that is useful for the purposes of analyzing effectiveness, calibrating interventions, holding school professionals accountable for student outcomes, supporting strategic management of human resources, and identifying mid-year professional development and support needs for educators.
Conduct organization - wide training needs assessment and identify skills or knowledge gaps that need to be addressed
(1997) E652: Current Research in Post-School Transition Planning (2003) E586: Curriculum Access and Universal Design for Learning (1999) E626: Developing Social Competence for All Students (2002) E650: Diagnosing Communication Disorders in Culturally and Linguistically Diverse Students (2003) E608: Five Homework Strategies for Teaching Students with Disabilities (2001) E654: Five Strategies to Limit the Burdens of Paperwork (2003) E571: Functional Behavior Assessment and Behavior Intervention Plans (1998) E628: Helping Students with Disabilities Participate in Standards - Based Mathematics Curriculum (2002) E625: Helping Students with Disabilities Succeed in State and District Writing Assessments (2002) E597: Improving Post-School Outcomes for Students with Emotional and Behavioral Disorders (2000) E564: Including Students with Disabilities in Large - Scale Testing: Emerging Practices (1998) E568: Integrating Assistive Technology Into the Standard Curriculum (1998) E577: Learning Strategies (1999) E587: Paraeducators: Factors That Influence Their Performance, Development, and Supervision (1999) E735: Planning Accessible Conferences and Meetings (1994) E593: Planning Student - Directed Transitions to Adult Life (2000) E580: Positive Behavior Support and Functional Assessment (1999) E633: Promoting the Self - Determination of Students with Severe Disabilities (2002) E609: Public Charter Schools and Students with Disabilities (2001) E616: Research on Full - Service Schools and Students with Disabilities (2001) E563: School - Wide Behavioral Management Systems (1998) E632: Self - Determination and the Education of Students with Disabilities (2002) E585: Special Education in Alternative Education Programs (1999) E599: Strategic Processing of Text: Improving Reading Comprehension for Students with Learning Disabilities (2000) E638: Strategy Instruction (2002) E579: Student Groupings for Reading Instruction (1999) E621: Students with Disabilities in Correctional Facilities (2001) E627: Substance Abuse Prevention and Intervention for Students with Disabilities: A Call to Educators (2002) E642: Supporting Paraeducators: A Summary of Current Practices (2003) E647: Teaching Decision Making to Students with Learning Disabilities by Promoting Self - Determination (2003) E590: Teaching Expressive Writing To Students with Learning Disabilities (1999) E605: The Individualized Family Service Plan (IFSP)(2000) E592: The Link Between Functional Behavioral Assessments (FBAs) and Behavioral Intervention Plans (BIPs)(2000) E641: Universally Designed Instruction (2003) E639: Using Scaffolded Instruction to Optimize Learning (2002) E572: Violence and Aggression in Children and Youth (1998) E635: What Does a Principal Need to Know About Inclusion?
It suggests three major changes: 1) project and policy preparation need to reflect higher risks, where vulnerability assessments and greater use of climate scenario modelling are combined with a better understanding of interconnections between smallholder farming and wider landscapes; 2) this deeper appreciation of interconnected risks should drive a major scaling up of successful «multiple - benefit» approaches to sustainable agricultural intensification by smallholder farmers; 3) climate change and fiscal austerity are reshaping the architecture of public international development finance.
This has involved providing the evidence - base to support policy formulation (undertaking assessments, drafting guidance frameworks and policy briefs), facilitating the policy process (convening and participating in policy dialogues / workshops), building capacity (developing and implementing needs - based training), liaising with a wide range of stakeholders (public meetings, discussion forums, on - line questionnaires) and communicating the result of his work to ensure it has maximum impact (writing press releases, opinion editorials and blogs).
It argues that the IPCC's «heroic days» of «Herculean work» are probably over, more frequent assessments focused on policy challenges are required, and the wider review of science made possible by the blogosphere can help: New Scientist says because the case for anthropogenic climate change is firmly established («the Nobel prize is won») the IPCC really needs to revision itself.
Legal Australia - Wide Survey (LAW Survey), provides the first comprehensive quantitative assessment across Australia of an extensive range of legal needs on a representative sample of the population.
There is careful planning of income and expense budgets; attention is given to the outside activities of lawyers, firm - wide management of recruiting, appraisal of gaps in legal organization at all levels, assessment of progression needs stemming from the aging process; a watchful eye is kept on new trends and legislation and what other major firms are doing.
Over a two year time frame the project team developed a needs assessment; conducted alternative analysis; outlined risks; developed capital and operating budgets; and ultimately was successfully accepted as a subscriber to the County - wide 800 MHz public safety radio system.
Technology Coordinator (1991 — 1996) • Implement a 5 - year, $ 24 million district - wide technology plan • Facilitate district - wide technology in - service programs and technology fairs • Conduct training needs assessment and developed and scheduled training programs • Supervise technical staff in the administration of training programs and daily operations • Instrumental in the development of the District's first technology plan and website
Schoolwork Your child will need to adapt to new teaching and assessment styles, cope with a wide range of subjects, adjust to having different teachers in different classrooms, become more responsible for his own learning, manage a heavier and more complicated study and homework load, and learn a new and more complex timetable.
We offer a wide range of therapy, assessment and evaluation services to meet the various needs that your child / teen may have, whether they are behavioral problems, social problems, emotional issues, learning challenges, or more complex mental health issues.
Equilibria Kids offers a wide range of therapy, assessment and evaluation services to meet the various needs that your child / teen may have, whether they are behavioral problems, social problems, emotional issues, or more complex mental health issues.
The online tool offers educators a comprehensive needs assessment that can help them make the most significant school wide improvements and ensure all learners are healthy, safe, engaged, supported, and challenged.
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