Sentences with phrase «wide range of symptoms»

The very wide range of symptoms makes Leptospirosis diagnosis problematic and it can also be difficult to confirm the disease through laboratory testing.
There are a very wide range of symptoms that can occur from candida overgrowth.
An overactive thyroid, for example, can cause a wide range of symptoms ranging from anxiety to hyperactivity.
Treatment can reduce a wide range of symptoms, including hyperactivity.
By doing that, it would allow the beads we make to be multifunctional and have dual purposes to naturally relieve a wide range of symptoms!
Focal onset seizures have a wide range of symptoms in different kids.
Going by the above symptoms it would be safe to say that postpartum depression involves a wide range of symptoms and emotions that may eventually interfere with the mother ability to take care of the new baby and also take care of herself.
As you've endured a wide range of symptoms and changes in your life, your baby has grown inside you, developing into a distinctly recognizable entity with a clearly formed head, developing nostrils and eyes and the beginnings of a more pronounced face.
If your baby has an ear infection, he may have a wide range of symptoms.
At least seven new Yorkers, including one from Nassau, have been infected with the virus, which has been linked to a wide range of symptoms from flulike symptoms to severe birth defects when pregnant women are infected.
Pibloktoq, a little - understood hysteria seen in people living in the Arctic, can cause a wide range of symptoms, including echolalia (senseless repetition of overheard words) and running around naked in the snow.
Further research is needed to validate SPADE across a wider range of symptoms and diseases.
Though today's clinical tools do a really good job capturing boys at a young age, with a wide range of symptom severity, they do it less effectively for girls,» adds Lauren Kenworthy, Ph.D., director of the Center for Autism Spectrum Disorders, and another study contributor.
Many of the troops who went to the Gulf during the war against Iraq in 1991 have since complained of a wide range of symptoms, including muscle weakness, lethargy, headaches, joint pain, respiratory problems and memory loss.
People with the illness show a wide range of symptoms that vary in severity.
ASD is characterized by a wide range of symptoms that can vary in severity from person to person.
People with MS may experience a wide range of symptoms, depending on which part of the brain and / or spinal cord is being affected, including blurred vision, pain, numbness, extreme fatigue, loss of movement and speech problems.
Since there's a wide range of symptoms associated with pelvic floor dysfunction, the condition is often misdiagnosed as anything from a bladder infection to endometriosis to, as in Mamet's case, psychosis.
Whenever hormone levels are out of whack, a wide range of symptoms can arise.
PMS, by definition, refers to a wide range of symptoms that start during the second half fo the cycle and which can include headache, dizziness, cramps, irritability, bloating, breast tenderness, nausea, vomiting, food cravings or aversions, weight gain, irritability, depression, anxiety and fatigue.
Allergies refer to an abnormal immune response that can produce a wide range of symptoms (e.g. hives, asthma, anaphylactic shock and death).
Science has shown that conscious controlled breathing can also elevate your mood, create relaxation and shield you from the effects of stress, aid in pain control, and alleviate a wide range of symptoms like headaches or indigestion.
Individuals experiencing an intolerance to food may be presented with a wide range of symptoms including occasional constipation, diarrhea, gas and bloating.
Because of this, a magnesium deficiency — which can be caused by a lot of things but most importantly stress — can manifest in a wide range of symptoms like trouble sleeping, muscle spasms, and anxiety or mood problems.
Pelvic floor dysfunction (PFD) is a term for a musculoskeletal disorder that can cause a wide range of symptoms in your pelvis.
«Dementia» is the umbrella term that describes a wide range of symptoms associated with a decline in memory or other thinking skills severe enough to reduce a person's ability to perform everyday activities.
But there is a wide range of symptoms that occur when the metabolism slows down due to low thyroid hormones.
Androgen deficiency includes a wide range of symptoms like decreased body hair, reduction in muscle and strength, increase in fat mass, decreased libido, erectile dysfunction, infertility, osteoporosis, depression and mood changes.
That overstress can cause a wide range of symptoms that, together, create a condition some health practitioners call «adrenal fatigue.»
From a hormonal perspective, we enter menopause, a transition that is very gradual and involves fluctuating hormone levels and a wide range of symptoms for sometimes up to several years.
Also, all of the other functions that are under cortisol's regulation are adversely affected, and that is why AFS can have such a wide range of symptoms.
This is why vitamin D has such a wide range of health benefits and, paradoxically, manifests in a wide range of symptoms if you become deficient.
Symptoms: Because the rotator cuff involves four muscles and their tendons, a wide range of symptoms can be associated with it.
Residents are also worried about immune diseases, reproductive problems and a wide range of symptoms.
Hormone imbalance can contribute to a wide range of symptoms in both women and men and even play a role in some chronic diseases.
It can take a toll on many aspects of health and has a wide range of symptoms, including reducing energy levels and triggering headaches or chronic pain.
A wide range of symptoms are associated with EMF exposure.
Experiencing a wide range of these symptoms may suggest a greater underlying problem such as inflammation, adrenal and thyroid imbalances, insulin resistance, or anxiety and chronic stress.
Each year we treat thousands of patients covering a wide range of symptoms and conditions including the Menopause, Andropause, Thyroid Dysfunction and PMS.
It's not easy living with a disease that causes such a wide range of symptoms with virtually no pattern to them.
Gaining a supple psoas relieves a wide range of symptoms; everything from menstrual cramps, water retention, sleep difficulties and foot rotations to recovering from deep - seated fears and trauma.
PTSD causes a wide range of symptoms that are both emotional and physical in nature.
This sequence not only relieves a wide range of symptoms but also restores energy.
This harmful bacteria can cause a wide range of symptoms in the brain.
If you ARE deficient in magnesium, you may notice a wide range of symptoms.
Interestingly, these side effects include a wide range of symptoms that are nearly identical to symptoms of severe thyroid hormone deficiency.
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