Sentences with phrase «wide variety of approaches»

Prior to actually having a child of my own, I smugly thought that a pretty wide variety of approaches could work equally well, just so long as the parents were consistent.
Advocates who endorse this idea say it is merely one tool in what should be a wide variety of approaches to address this crisis.
«However, various research efforts have taken a wide variety of approaches, making it difficult to compare results in a meaningful way.
Today, a wide variety of approaches and ideas have already been proposed for the responsible use and enhanced protection of coastal regions in the future.
Charter schools are overseen by autonomous boards free of many state regulations, giving rise to a wide variety of approaches and emphases.
The result is a wide variety of approaches.
Over the past twenty years, educators have developed a wide variety of approaches and programs that come under the umbrella of SEL including: character education, conflict resolution and peer mediation, restorative justice and other alternatives to punitive discipline / suspension, bullying prevention, school climate work and more.
PoG Examples: An extensive gallery of PoGs from the EdLeader21 network helps illustrate the wide variety of approaches being used by educators from across the country, and emphasizes the importance of a custom, creative approach to this important work.
Critics praised the wide variety of approaches players could take in beating the game, from riots to tunnels to vents.
A wide variety of approaches to painting are encouraged for submission, including a range of painting types, from the most academic to the most experimental, but all with some relevance to the artists» honest understanding of the practice of «painting.»
Featuring a wide variety of approaches to abstraction in landscapes, including Cubist fragmentation, gridded compositions, and pure geometric abstraction, the artists in this exhibition explore landscapes both near and far.
The digital process enabled a wide variety of approaches that include abstract and documentary photography, scanning of flat - work made expressly for the project, digital compositing and image manipulation, as well as the use of vector - based software and hand - coded algorithms.
Visitors to White Cube Mason's Yard will be getting a whirlwind tour of some of the most recent abstract work to come out of China; the exhibition, which can at times seem claustrophobic, jumps between a wide variety of approaches to painting.
These works are joined by related works already in the MCA collection, from artists including Robert Irwin, John McCracken, Larry Bell, and Ed Ruscha, to present a wide variety of approaches within this time and place.
Featuring a real working farm within the gallery, a farm stand in the museum lobby, sculptures used for farming, videos and other installations, as well as multiple satellite projects in the community, Green Acres presents farming as art through a wide variety of approaches.
Grebel offers degree studies in the field of Peace and Conflict Studies and the Certificate Program offers a wide variety of approaches, embracing both community based and commercial applications of conflict management.
Today's job search requires 100 % engagement and a wide variety of approaches.
Our staff members are all licensed professionals with extensive experience and training in a wide variety of approaches to these healing arts.
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