Sentences with phrase «wider research community»

These publications inform the general public and wider research community about the KidsMatter Early Childhood initiative.
KidsMatter Early Childhood regularly develops and contributes to a range of publications to inform the general public and wider research community about the initiative.
During the course of the project, the network furthered tools and strategies to make available to the wider research community, a new approach to the systems biology of the living cell.
The OSR RIO does not function in isolation with respect to the wider research community.
We are anxious to make this technique available to the wider research community and see the results.»
The government has never before put this much money into targeted research, and Main says it's unclear how the targeted funding might affect the wider research community.
To meet these new goals, CMIPhas developed well - defined climate model experiment protocols, formats, standards, and distribution mechanisms to ensure model output availability to a wide research community.

Not exact matches

«Within the United States, a wide array of empirical evidence indicates that more guns in a community leads to more homicide,» David Hemenway, the Injury Control Research Center's director, wrote in Private Guns, Public Health.
Co., 1978); Thomas C. Campbell and Yoshio Fukuyama, The Fragmented Layman: An Empirical Study of Lay Attitudes (Philadelphia: Pilgrim Press, 1970); James D. Davidson, «Religious Belief as an Independent Variable,» Journal for the Scientific Study of Religion 11 (1972): 65 - 75; James D. Davidson, «Religious Belief as a Dependent Variable,» Sociological Analysis 33 (1972): 81 - 94; James D. Davidson, «Patterns of Belief at the Denominational and Congregational Levels,» Review of Religious Research 13 (1972): 197 - 205; David R. Gibbs, Samuel A. Miller, and James R. Wood, «Doctrinal Orthodoxy, Salience and the Consequential Dimension,» Journal for the Scientific Study of Religion 12 (1973): 33 - 52; William McKinney, and others, Census Data for Community Mission (New York: Board for Homeland Ministries, United Church of Christ, 1983), part of a denomination - wide study of census data relevant to each congregation in the United Church of Christ; David O. Moberg, `' Theological Position and Institutional Characteristics of Protestant Congregations: An Explanatory Study,» Journal for the Scientific Study of Religion 9 (1970): 53 - 58; Wade Clark Roof, Community and Commitment; Thomas Sweetser, The Catholic Parish: Shifting Membership in a Changing Church (Chicago: Center for the Scientific Study of Religion, 1974).
The Research Institute for Waldorf Education (RIWE), founded in 1996 in order to deepen and enhance the quality of Waldorf education, engages in sustained dialogue with the wider educational - cultural community and supports research to serve a wide range of educators in their work with children and adolResearch Institute for Waldorf Education (RIWE), founded in 1996 in order to deepen and enhance the quality of Waldorf education, engages in sustained dialogue with the wider educational - cultural community and supports research to serve a wide range of educators in their work with children and adolresearch to serve a wide range of educators in their work with children and adolescents.
Inspiring, empowering, respectful, and kind, Julie's leadership of The Gottman Institute has made it possible to identify and integrate the expertise of her staff, therapists, and the wider research and therapeutic community.
These articles also raise awareness among academics and the wider community, highlighting a new and publicly relevant area of research.
This series provides economic data to inform policy makers about how breastfeeding leads to savings in health costs and other costs, raises awareness among the academic and wider community and highlights a new and publicly relevant area of research.
This is a wonderful recognition for their groundbreaking research in early childhood development and wide dissemination for practical uses in the community.
The research by Professor Christina Victor of Brunel University, found very few, at best five to ten per cent of the older people within these communities who were interviewed received any form of formal care, apart from health services, from the wider community or government.
«We were pleased to undertake this research, recognising the growing importance of understanding wider health and social factors that arise when sustainable transport solutions are developed for communities.
RCP organizes science and policy workshops, conferences, and symposia, helping engage the scientific research and policy communities in investigating and pursuing themes in a wide range of national and international areas.
The group of young scientists also deplored a lack of diversity in the scientific community, calling on European policymakers to launch a Europe - wide charter for diversity and equality and to make research funding conditional upon its adoption by host institutions.
The controversy is splitting the scientific and wider community into two camps: those who think that the research should never have been done, and those who feel that it is crucial.
The new study is the latest attempt by the academic research community to seek relief from what it sees as the steady accretion of unreasonable and costly government - wide regulations and policy directives from individual agencies.
Such moves would delight the research community, which for years has joined with a wide range of groups — including military and public health advocates — in calling for Congress to break the caps.
Panelists contend, however, that societies and scientific mentors must invest greater effort to develop community - wide integrity codes so to better moderate research communications.
In putting this research roadmap document together, the 19 authors relied on the outcome and findings of the AstRoMap project as well as on wide community consultation and four disciplinary workshops organised between 2013 and 2014.
Research strategies that identify population - wide or community - based interventions and policies that effectively reduce overweight and obesity should be particularly encouraged and supported.
«The current Australian legislation strikes the right balance in allowing valuable research to occur whilst providing clear safeguards to address concerns held by the wider community,» says Megan Munsie, a spokesperson for the Australian Stem Cell Centre.
Wilmer's research suggests some facial recognition - based practices that could be used for community building across a wide variety of contexts.
The need to communicate with a wider - world coupled with a move away from the cosy, close - knit communities of the 90s has dramatically changed the way British people speak over the last two decades, new research has revealed.
«Our research partnership with Planned Parenthood enables us to study the effect of a community - wide intervention that expands the availability of all contraceptive methods to women in Salt Lake County.»
The research was given prominence in the 2001 report of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change and then was picked up by many in the wider science community and by the popular media.
Let us start anew with space - based research worthy of a great city, where schools and universities work together, where citizens and communities partner to ensure the success of future generations, where Houstonians lead the charge for students, teachers, parents, scientists and engineers far and wide.
The tangible outcomes of the Integrated Imaging Institute's research projects are the publication of research journal papers, and the development of software and tools that can be spun out to the wider imaging community.
Education and research will be developed in open dialogue and multi-faceted cooperation with the wider community.
Perimeter Institute has long recognized that a lively program of conferences and workshops is essential to maintaining a dynamic scientific atmosphere by regularly exposing resident research staff to current ideas in the wider theoretical physics community.
With a wealth of research on the science of climate change communication and a focus on practical tips and case studies, this Handbook serves as a valuable resource for IPCC authors - as well as the wider scientific community - to engage audiences with climate change.
The publication features stories highlighting examples of your incredible work and outlines a few areas of current interest to us and the wider community, from Nobel Prize - winning research to building team science.
Summary: A two day meeting to demonstrate to the wider scientific community where the IMPC is trying to go and how to include clinical scientists, geneticists and the rare disease research community, followed by two simultaneous one day workshops (phenotyping and EUCOMMTOOLS) to plan for Phase II phenotyping and discuss production technology development Attended by: IMPC members, corporate sponsors, external delegates, EUCOMMTOOLS members and IKMC members Hosted / funded by: Infrafrontier, EUCOMMTOOLS, CNR Monterotondo
10/24/2008 UC San Diego to Lead Neuroscience Information Framework NIH awards UC San Diego $ 10 million contract to lead integrated information framework for world - wide neuroscience research community The University of California, San Diego School of Medicine has received a contract from the National Institutes of H...
The wide availability of high - throughput sequencing and ever - more robust and user - friendly analysis tools put the power of next - gen sequencing in the hands of the entire research community.
The Call is open to a wide range of people and organisations, including mediators and practitioners of science communication; STEM festival organisers; universities and institutes of technology, science centres, museums and other cultural attractions; artists; educators; industry professionals and academics in science, technology, engineering and maths (STEM); arts agencies; production companies; schools; local authorities (libraries, city / county councils etc.); youth clubs; community groups; and research institutes.
Toward that goal, he led institutional strategic planning activities, stewarded an $ 80M discretionary research portfolio, and promoted Laboratory - wide efforts to elevate PNNL's standing in the broader scientific community.
At PNNL, Kerisit researches a wide range of topics relevant to the geochemistry community including the chemistry of mineral - water interfaces, carbon capture and sequestration, the aqueous corrosion of glasses, the mechanisms of mineral nucleation and growth, and the redox properties of natural systems.
Here my research will involve the investigation of prokaryotes, which live in similar anoxic environments to the protists that I studied during my PhD, but I will be trying to understand their biological processes on a wider community - scale.
michael kors bagsCorrespondence provides readers with a forum for comment on papers published in a previous issue of the journal or to discuss issues relevant to the wider climate research community.
The Australian Principal Occupational Health, Safety and Wellbeing Survey, led by Dr Philip Riley from the Australian Catholic University, is a key piece of research informing the wider community about the challenges and struggles facing Australian school leaders.
To this end, the Center has developed a three - stage knowledge transfer process: (1) Knowledge Synthesis — a critical analysis of cutting - edge science and program evaluation research to identify core concepts and evidence - based findings that are broadly accepted by the scientific community; (2) Knowledge Translation — the identification of gaps in understanding between scientists and the public, and the development of effective language to communicate accurate scientific information in a way that can inform sound public discourse; and (3) Knowledge Communication — the production and dissemination of a wide variety of publications and educational media via print, the Web, and in - person presentations.
The eLearning field is huge and there's lots of folks out there who are willing to share advice, tips, research findings and lessons they've learning with the wider community.
We list examples of interdisciplinary research, benefitting collaborative proposal formation and generating and sustaining wide audiences within research and in communities.
We also plan to work with a research lab to ensure program fidelity and measure wider - scale economic impact on the community.
Our recent article Tips for conducting school - based research included advice on sharing your findings with the wider education community.
These strategies involve 1) accurately informing the general public and the policy community regarding the condition of schools, that is, their financing, their achievement, and the relationship between the two; 2) conducting empirical research aimed at understanding issues of productivity in education; 3) informing policymakers and school managers regarding means by which budget cuts can be made without eviscerating instructional effectiveness; and 4) solving challenges to wider adoption of instructional technologies.
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