Sentences with phrase «widespread losses in»

This apparent widespread loss in the sensitivity to temperature is, however, not fully understood and several different explanations have been proposed, e.g. relating the phenomenon to changes in the atmospheric composition (Briffa et al. 1998b, 2004); to drought stress (Barber et al. 2000); physiological threshold effects (D'Arrigo et al. 2004; Wilmking et al. 2004); and to changes in the length of the growing season (Vaganov et al. 1999).

Not exact matches

The same experts found that widespread vegetarianism could cut environmental costs by $ 35 billion, as meat's role in exacerbating climate change, as well as its contribution to soil erosion, water pollution, deforestation, and biodiversity loss, is well documented.
Moderate and conservative lawmakers have said the legislation needs some major changes in the wake of a brutal Congressional Budget Office (CBO) score projecting widespread coverage losses and short - term premium hikes.
In Houston, Hurricane Harvey caused widespread flooding that led to power losses and interrupted home phone, TV or internet service for at least 284,000, according to FCC numbers.
With the widespread loss of belief in God as law - giver, the idea of being morally bound or obliged — as if this or that verdict on your action hangs in the balance — loses its basic meaning, however much it might retain its compelling psychological effect.
The insistence on imitating the predecessors reflects a loss of self - confidence which was at one time widespread in Islamic communities.
In 70 C.E., the Roman armies besieged Jerusalem and destroyed the city, with widespread loss of life to its inhabitants.
But in their tenth anniversary «reflection» on the «83 pastoral, The Harvest of Justice Is Sown in Peace, a new topic appears: «the forceful, direct intervention by one or more states for essentially humanitarian purposes,» such as alleviating «internal chaos, repression and widespread loss of life.»
The usual assertions are (1) that this kind of religion is today on the defensive; (2) that the defensive posture is occasioned by the flourishing of «conservative churches» (although the alleged liberal enervation is also seen in more autonomous terms); (3) that the growth in religious conservatism and conservative churches is itself the result of widespread reaction against «secular humanist» values and against those who hold such values; (4) that our society as a whole has been experiencing a breakdown in moral consensus, a loss of moral coherence somehow connected with a decline in oldline Protestant dominance; and (5) that some or all of these happenings have been quite sudden, so that the early 1960s can be taken as a kind of benchmark — as a time before the fall.
We constantly argue as though in each case the terms varied inversely, a gain on the one side being ipso facto the other side's loss; and this in turn leads to the widespread idea that any destiny on «monist» lines would exact the sacrifice and bring about the destruction of all personal values in the Universe.
What has happened to me in the intervening years is that I have participated in the widespread American experience of the loss of innocence.
Albert Straus of the Straus Family Creamery in Marshall California has stated that contamination of alfalfa forage would result in the widespread loss of organic and non-GE certifications and have a devastating impact on organic dairy producers and their ability to acquire organic forage.
However, critics argue that organic agriculture may have lower yields and would therefore need more land to produce the same amount of food as conventional farms, resulting in more widespread deforestation and biodiversity loss, and thus undermining the environmental benefits of organic practices5.
Furthermore, Article 8 (2)(b)(iv) of the Rome Statute of the International Criminal Court criminalizes «intentionally launching an attack in the knowledge that such attack will cause incidental loss of life or injury to civilians or damage to civilian objects or widespread, long - term and severe damage to the natural environment which would be clearly excessive in relation to the concrete and direct overall military advantage anticipated.»
Second, there is also some evidence to back the widespread speculation that Labour's recent loss of support has occurred disproportionately amongst those of its supporters who voted Yes in September.
Regional studies suggest that marine heat waves may provoke «widespread loss of habitat - forming species such as kelps and corals, drive shifts in species distributions, alter the structure of communities and ecosystems, and have economic impacts on aquaculture and seafood industries through declines in important fishery species,» they note.
They report results, showing that very widespread loss of dental material (enamel and dentine) at the base of the crown might be linked to the reduction of tooth wear in our industrialised societies.
«We don't yet know whether cats or loss of habitat is the biggest contributor to the widespread mammal decline that we are seeing in Australia.
New research presented in HeartRhythm, suggests that the main obstacle to an appropriate bystander response during athletes» cardiac arrest could be an apparently widespread myth: that «tongue swallowing» is a common complication of sudden loss of consciousness that must be avoided or relieved at all costs to prevent death from asphyxia.
The researchers caution that the findings need to be replicated and that there is still a long way to go in the fight against chronic, widespread sleep loss.
Instead, widespread job losses trigger adolescent emotional problems and poor academic performance, which, in turn, puts college out of reach, say the authors, whose research is published in the June 16 issue of Science.
Since concern about widespread honey bee colony losses began ten years ago, there have been surveys carried out to assess winter losses in North America and many European countries.
A widespread and poorly understood cause of die - off is called colony collapse disorder (CCD), marked by unusually high bee losses (up to 90 percent per hive) in which worker bees vanish.
«Warming greater than 2 degrees Celsius above 19th - century levels is projected to be disruptive, reducing global agricultural productivity, causing widespread loss of biodiversity and — if sustained over centuries — melting much of the Greenland ice sheet with ensuing rise in sea levels of several meters,» the AGU declares in its first statement in four years on «Human Impacts on Climate.»
The low apparent sensitivity of peat decomposition to warming has important implications for the future of the peatlands, as warming is unlikely to result in widespread carbon loss.
Previous research by Gassman - Pines, Ananat and Gibson - Davis found that after states experienced widespread job loss, test scores dropped among eighth - graders in that state.
The widespread expansion of development in the U.S. in recent decades has brought the issue of wetlands loss to the forefront of debates on zoning and land use planning.
«In addition to the direct loss of forest, there was a widespread shift of the remaining global forest to a more fragmented condition,» explains Kurt Riitters, a research ecologist and team leader with the U.S. Forest Service Eastern Forest Environmental Threat Assessment Center and the lead author of a study describing the phenomenon, published in the January 2016 issue of Landscape EcologIn addition to the direct loss of forest, there was a widespread shift of the remaining global forest to a more fragmented condition,» explains Kurt Riitters, a research ecologist and team leader with the U.S. Forest Service Eastern Forest Environmental Threat Assessment Center and the lead author of a study describing the phenomenon, published in the January 2016 issue of Landscape Ecologin the January 2016 issue of Landscape Ecology.
While the new study is not a definitive explanation of the widespread bumble bee losses, which are likely the result of many factors, Cameron said, it challenges a popular hypothesis about the sudden declines of wild bumblebees in the early 1990s.
«Widespread loss of ocean oxygen to become noticeable in 2030s: Deoxygenation due to climate change threatens marine life.»
A clue to this question came while Shao and senior study author Wilhelm Boland of the Max Planck Institute for Chemical Ecology were studying the cotton leafworm, Spodoptera littoralis, which is one of the most widespread insect herbivores in the temperate regions and causes substantial economic losses in crop production.
Deforestation may have far greater consequences for climate change in some soils than in others, according to new research led by Yale University scientists — a finding that could provide critical insights into which ecosystems must be managed with extra care because they are vulnerable to biodiversity loss and which ecosystems are more resilient to widespread tree removal.
Dr Mark Ide, first author from the Dental Institute at King's College London says: «Gum disease is widespread in the UK and US, and in older age groups is thought to be a major cause of tooth loss.
At present, there is considerable concern regarding the widespread decline in native bee and honeybee colony numbers and increasing annual colony losses, particularly in the US and Europe.
Severe rainfall deficits this year have lead to widespread drought that has decimated the maize crop, costing hundreds of millions of dollars in losses.
Moreover, many human tumors have highly abnormal numbers of chromosomes (that is, they are aneuploid), with initial chromosomal loss participating in the early steps of the transformation cascade in inherited cancers caused by heterozygous mutation in tumor suppressor genes and the more widespread aneuploidy characteristic of advance tumors thought to drive acquisition of malignant growth properties.??
Here we demonstrate that loss of the orthologue kdm2aa in zebrafish causes widespread transcriptional disruption and leads to spontaneous melanomas at a high frequency.
The projected result: widespread climate - induced forest die - offs, shifts in ecosystem structure and function, a concomitant loss of habitat for plants and animals, and the elimination of large carbon stores.
The loss of milkweed plants due to extensive herbicide use and changes in farming practices, such as the widespread adoption of herbicide - resistant crops, has been identified as a major contributing factor of monarch's decline in the eastern U.S. Disease, climate change, widespread insecticide use, and loss or degradation of nectar - rich habitat may also be contributing to declines.
«Sleep loss is widespread in modern society, but only in the last decade have we realized its metabolic consequences,» Taheri said in a news release from the Endocrine Society.
This research, coupled with the fact that it has been used in traditional medicine for hundreds of years, has led to a surge in marketing of the plant and its compounds, along with widespread online discussion of its benefits relating to the treatment of hair loss, and a huge increase in sales, particularly in North America.
California Finds Economic Gloom Starting to Lift After nearly five years of brutal economic decline, government retrenchment and a widespread loss of confidence in its future, California is showing the first signs of a rebound.
The disease itself is painless but affected dogs should be regularly monitored by an ophthalmologist to treat possible secondary effects of PRA (the most widespread form of PRA across dog breeds) IG - PRA1 first presents as a loss of vision in dim light conditions due to degeneration of rod cells in the retina.
In 1958, when a fire destroyed this and another water lily painting, the public's widespread expression of loss led to the acquisition of the works currently in the collectioIn 1958, when a fire destroyed this and another water lily painting, the public's widespread expression of loss led to the acquisition of the works currently in the collectioin the collection.
They have concluded that there is loss of sensitivity beyond about 500 years, and while more widespread but noisier geothermal heat flux measurements can be used to go back further, the resulting estimates are far more tentative and quite subject to a priori constraints in the required mathematical inversion.
Since global El Nino / La Nina — associated climate impacts were first documented in the 1980s, the prevailing assumption has been that more severe and widespread climate anomalies, and, therefore, greater climate - related socioeconomic losses, should be expected during ENSO extremes.
This post is truncated by the troubles I'm having getting online in a blacked - out part of the Hudson Valley, but I want at least to start a discussion of the prime question of the moment: What are the political, economic, societal and personal traits that caused one of the world's wealthiest and most sophisticated cities to end up (despite longstanding warnings) with flooded tunnels, subways and neighborhoods and widespread flood - triggered loss of electricity?
«Wildlife loss is real, it's widespread in Canada and around the world, it's happening now and it affects all of us.
In West Antarctica, more widespread glacier losses increased ice sheet loss by 59 percent over a decade.
The negative effects were not simply monetary, there were cultural losses and non-economic costs, in terms of time investment, social - cohesion and livelihood security, were also widespread.
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