Sentences with phrase «widespread sense of»

But in more recent years, light installations have increasingly become the focus, with a wealth of site - specific works attributing to a widespread sense of acclaim and popularity.
This widespread sense of unease lent an impetus to the intellectual critique and shifted the debate toward less ideological and more pragmatic objectives.
This widespread sense of media conspiracy, of «what the media won't tell you» articles on Facebook, is what tiny online echo chambers do when they need to explain why everyone doesn't agree with them.
By focusing Labour's local and European elections campaign on the «bread and butter» issues of housing stock shortage, rising housing prices, zero - hour contracts and a widespread sense of general economic insecurity, Miliband is trying to diffuse the electoral challenge posed by UKIP.
In the context of a widespread sense of American decline, what seemed to be at stake was nothing less than the status of the United States as a great power and the leader of the free world.
To accomplish the ideal, this freedom must be accompanied by adequate information about personal capabilities and the needs of society, together with a widespread sense of individual responsibility for the good of all.
Reasons for this outcome were multiple: though world membership had doubled during Neal C. Wilson's 12 years in office, his authoritarian management style had alienated several constituencies; he had been identified with several demoralizing theological and financial crises; his age, 70, was against him in spite of his astounding vigor, and a widespread sense of deep crisis and need for new directions had gone unanswered.
The independent investigation into CBA's governance, culture and accountability launched after last years» money - laundering scandal has found the bank had a «widespread sense of complacency» and a «reactive stance in dealing with risks».

Not exact matches

«Mad Money» host Jim Cramer sees too many positive data points to make sense of the widespread weakness in the stock market.
Jim Cramer sees too many positive data points to make sense of the widespread weakness in the stock market.
In his view, it makes sense for the company to shell out for Minecraft, a game that is popular with a diverse range of age groups and enjoys widespread «parental approval.»
The high profile of the disputes stems from a widespread sense among Canadians that the American system is unfair and could have negative economic consequences.
Following the widespread accusations of rape, harassment and sexual abuse perpetrated by Hollywood producer Harvey Weinstein, actress Alyssa Milano wrote on Twitter, «If all the women who have been sexually harassed or assaulted wrote «Me too» as a status, we might give people a sense of the magnitude of the problem.»
«Sense and Psychedelics,» an editorial report appearing in the November 15, 1967, issue of The Christian Century, shows how widespread the temptation to violence is in Christian circles.
That is strong stuff: but the sense of distress and outrage it conveys was widespread, and flowed over into the secular Press.
Probably the strongest obstacle to getting a hearing for this critique of economism is the widespread sense that there is no viable alternative to the current global economy.
This trivialization of nuclear concerns was a misreading of the across - the - board struggle taking place with issues of life and death, of the widespread sense that this may be the «last chance» for human civilization.
But a sense of urgency in widespread preaching and writing is a new note.
The ordinary members of the Orthodox and Byzantine Rite Catholic Churches have a far less authoritarian mentality than Catholics, a far more widespread and lively sense of the richness of their traditions of prayer and practice, and a far more secure sense of ownership by the people of the symbols which provide continuity with the Christian past and guidance to its future.
Dannin seeks to break the widespread sense that the NOI is the dominant form of Islam within the African - American community.
These critiques of the law were newly formulated in Paul's mind in the wake of his encounter with the risen Christ; they reflected neither his earlier views of Judaism nor any sense of widespread dissatisfacdon toward the law among his Jewish contemporaries.
This widespread sense that we have lost our prospects reflects a bad trade of confident teleology for acedia.
His principal message at present is about evangelisation, echoing the call of recent popes, and giving voice to a widespread concern about a sense of life having lost its meaning for many people «There is this reduction of living to a general soft - core list of things: money, health, individualism.
However, widespread revulsion to the horrors of Kermit Gosnell's abortion clinic in Philadelphia is an encouraging proof that common sense still rejects the reductivist model (even if only when hit over the head with it).
This seems to me very close to the sense, widespread among Christians, that grace is prior to freedom, so that even for our best exercise of freedom we acknowledge our indebtedness to God.
Such shifts, as well as automation, computerization and the widespread introduction of robots into the manufacturing industry, are increasingly distancing workers from any sense of meaning and satisfaction on the job.
But the letter also contained a sentence reflecting Luther's worry about the general social situation; as he travelled across Thuringia, he had sensed an even greater general disquiet, more widespread threats of disturbance, and danger of a peasants» revolution.
So soon as there is widespread dissatisfaction with or disregard of these purposes or goals, expressed either in actual revolt or in an inchoate sense that they are inadequate or false, the culture begins to break up.
I wrestle with this question in my own classrooms and with my kids, especially these days, living in what Chris Gallagher has called the age of quantification in education: teacher - proof and child - proof classrooms, a widespread sense that if it isn't measurable, it must not be valuable.
Both reflect a widespread sense among the English that they are not being well served by either of the Unions of which they are a part.
The Reagan critique of government as inept, scandals Clintonian and more, and the widespread sense that politicians and systems are corrupt -LSB-...]
Sense of humor or not, Nixon's still up against an incumbent governor with widespread party support and a $ 31 million war chest.
The 2016 movie «Suicide Squad,» rated PG - 13, includes «lots of action violence, from close - up execution - style murders to large - scale battles and widespread destruction that leads to the deaths of innocent bystanders,» Common Sense Media told parents in its review.
Now, to enable widespread gene delivery throughout the central and peripheral nervous systems, Caltech researchers have developed two new variants of a vector based on an adeno - associated virus (AAV): one that can efficiently ferry genetic cargo past the blood - brain barrier; and another that is efficiently picked up by peripheral neurons residing outside the brain and spinal cord, such as those that sense pain and regulate heart rate, respiration, and digestion.
These studies revealed that ADAR1 null mutant mouse embryos dye at mid-gestation due to widespread apoptosis and overwhelming interferon responses caused by activation of the dsRNA sensing mechanism mediated by MDA5 - MAVS signaling.
«As history has proven, when we explore space, we garner the greatest benefits here at home — witness the widespread use of GPS, weather data, remote sensing for farming, MRI scans,» said former NASA astronaut, engineer and physician Dr. Mae Jemison, who leads 100YSS.
by Walter Chaw Its final cut a full thirty minutes shorter than the one that was shown to widespread derision at last year's Cannes Film Festival, Vincent Gallo's The Brown Bunny is laced with melancholy and a crushing sense of loneliness.
There have been widespread digitization efforts elsewhere in the world given the public preference for digital copies of printed texts and the sense of urgency surrounding preserving rare volumes.
If you're a parenting author, it makes a lot of sense to hire a good book publicist who can leverage your credentials, shape your message, and generate widespread national recognition for you and your book.
FDR always wanted them to be self funded entitlements with everybody getting roughly the same treatment by formula, because he wanted the program to have widespread legitimacy across all classes, and no sense of stigma for being a poor old person on the dole.
There appears to be a widespread sense in veterinary medicine that such testing is necessary and beneficial, even an obvious standard of care.6 - 8 A 2015 survey at the Veterinary Information Network found that while there was considerable variation in the timing of preanesthetic blood work, only 3 percent of the 2,275 veterinarians completing the survey did not require blood such testing in apparently healthy surgical patients.9
Combined with more widespread use of Capcom's feted MT Framework multi-platform engine technology, it makes for a global strategy in every sense.
[59] Ultimately, this widespread antagonism led to many «artists of color [leaving] after a few meetings because they could sense the unspoken hierarchy in the group.»
Josh Kline's immersive installation, Freedom, addresses the sense of widespread disillusionment and upheaval in a climate of surveillance and builds a critique through samples of digitally archived political - media content and references to mass data tracking and social unrest.
Public, Private, Secret does lay out both the negative impacts of celebrity culture, surveillance, porn, voyeurism, social media, et al. upon both our sense of personal privacy and our image - making habits but it is also about the agency of «being seen» and the social impact of widespread self - representation and alterity.
Makes a lot of sense, which worries me that it WO N'T make a widespread implementation.
Public health experts who work on the «shale fields» among impacted citizens have been ringing alarm bells: «I don't know if I have ever seen a problem as widespread as this with as little information collected about it, and as relaxed an attitude in terms of the sense of urgency, in the sense of responsibility on the part of the state and federal governments, and for that matter, the drilling industry,» cautioned a seasoned public health toxicologist David Brown from Southwest Environmental Health Project in my interview for Gas Rush Stories.
In particular, there is now a vague but widespread sense that the entire range of 25 - 40 % for reductions in Annex I countries range is acceptable, and that «significant deviation from the baseline» might be attained by very modest developing country action.
In regards to widespread outrage over the DEA's «Final Rule» — 115,000 public comments and a letter from Congress co-signed by 22 Representatives submitted to DEA opposed to the hemp food ban — Chief Judge Mary Schroeder asked the DEA: «Did you take into account the objections of people who might say that this doesn't make a lot of sense
Though the dirty energy industries» dislike of Obama seems a bit misplaced, (between allowing widespread fracking and his support of drilling offshore and in the arctic, Obama has given the fossil fuel lobby plenty) it does make sense that they would support Mitt Romney.
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