Sentences with phrase «wife leading a happy life»

Not exact matches

These dates eventually led Anderson to his wife and a happy family life.
Johnny Depp is also in it, because happy wife, happy life, and Jim Sturgess is one of the leads because let's face it — that just never happened.
Mr. Mahesh aged 30 years, is leading a happy life with his wife ananya and a daughter sanya.
Mr. Raman aged 35 years, is leading a happy life with his wife Ananya and a daughter Sanya.
Mr. Raman aged 35 years, is leading a happy life with his wife ananya and a daughter sanya.
Mr. Ram aged 32 years, is leading a happy life with his wife and daughter.
Mr. Kumar aged 30 years, is leading a happy life with his wife ananya and a daughter sanya.
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