Sentences with phrase «wild animal populations»

Wild bird populations, like many wild animal populations, are under extreme pressure worldwide, mostly from human practices and habitat destruction.
The eating habits of mothers may be key to keeping wild animal populations steady, a study suggests.
Currently the oral vaccine is only licensed for use in wild animal populations, and only time will tell if the vaccine will be approved for use in household pets.
endorses a scientific approach to commercial use and management of wild animal populations and a quick death when death is inevitable.
In addition to the chemical legacy carried by modern people, the book focuses particularly on the growing threat of zoonoses — diseases that jump from animal to human — that can arise from the incursion of people on wild habitats: Of the 58 percent of human diseases caused by germs, 816 of 1,407 known human pathogens emerge from wild animal populations.
Wild Animals in Houston The entire State of Texas has an abundant wild animal population and Houston is no exception.
Rabies is endemic to New England, meaning it is regularly found in wild animal populations and CAN affect small ruminants.
In Texas, rabies is present in many wild animal populations, especially skunks, bats, coyotes and foxes.
Progress and expansion into previously undisturbed areas have placed increased external pressures on wild animal populations, and the number of injured wildlife cases will rise as land within the south is developed.
Is it because feral domesticated animals can somehow live on in poor health through their association with humans, whereas nature would ruthlessly pick off any weaklings in the wild animal population?
In the case of a disease like heartworm, which is transmitted by mosquitoes and infects both wild animal populations and companion animals, there is some natural variation in both drug coverage and mixing.
«Our findings show little control of breeding, particularly of domestic females, and indicate long - term gene flow, or interbreeding, between managed and wild animal populations,» Marshall said.
We are dedicated to managing our domestic and wild animal population in a manner that provides a safe and healthy environment for both animals and people.
«All citizens in Volusia County should be aware that rabies is present in the wild animal population, which includes feral cats, and domestic animals are at risk if not vaccinated.»
We acknowledge however, that rare and exceptional circumstances may arise where the overall health and welfare of a wild animal population are at risk (i.e. fatal infectious disease).
All residents of Hillsborough County should be aware that rabies is present in the wild animal population and domestic animals are at risk if not vaccinated.
Vaccination is preferable, and probably essential in areas where rabies is endemic in the wild animal population.
[But] inter-species food sharing in wild animal populations has not been widely documented in the scientific literature.»
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