Sentences with phrase «wild axolotl»

By the time that day comes, however, the wild axolotl may be gone.
Zambrano says that to save the wild axolotl, policymakers must address its two primary threats.
So far, however, there have been no efforts to save the wild axolotl beyond a few halfhearted outreach programmes and some photo opportunities.
And the loss of genetic diversity in wild axolotls — owing to their diminishing population — means that scientists lose out on learning all they can about the animal's biology.
On the side, he breeds his own wild axolotls to sell to labs and pet distributors.
One afternoon in October, Zambrano and a group of volunteers gather by the ponds near the UNAM campus to release ten lab - raised wild axolotls into a protected pond.
Here, scientists brought in a series of wild axolotls to mix up the gene pool and at one point even added in tiger salamanders (Ambystoma tigrinum).

Not exact matches

When Griffiths first started working in Xochimilco in 2000, his plan was to create a breeding programme aimed at releasing axolotls into the wild.
It's hard to know exactly how many axolotls are left in the wild there.
Vergara Iglesias is a biologist at the Centre for Biological and Aquaculture Research (CIBAC), an axolotl breeding facility near Xochimilco that is hoping to preserve a few wild lines.
What's more, no one can be sure that lab axolotls haven't already diverged so much from their wild counterparts that they have lost key elements of regeneration.
But if axolotls do not have a suitable home, most researchers say that their extinction in the wild might be inevitable, no matter what they do.
Native to lakes near Mexico City, the axolotl has become endangered in the wild as human activities have encroached on its habitat.
Because one of these lakes has been drained, and the other is polluted and diminished, axolotls are considered critically endangered in the wild.
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