Sentences with phrase «wild bird food from»

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Although this bird is extinct in the wild, almost all of the captive adults and nearly half of the captive juveniles the scientists tested used sticks and other objects to retrieve food from hidden locales, often altering the tool materials to do so.
Now the only excuse left for not stocking wild bird food may be space, but I know from personal experience that space can always be made for new products a retailer wants to bring into the store.
In the wild, birds get all the exercise that they need by flying, foraging for food, and keeping themselves safe from predators.
KAYTEE offers a large variety of wild bird food, including the KAYTEE Ultra, Woodlands, and Supreme lines, to attract everything from Cardinals to Orioles to Finches.
Cats in the wild get most of their water from the food they eat — mice, birds, rabbits, etc..
Although cats miraculously survive in the wild on a diet consisting of birds, rodents and other prey, bones from meat or poultry cooked at home are harmful food for cats.
After all, responsible bird - keepers provide their pet birds with healthy food and a safe environment with no poisonous plants or toxic substances — an ideal setting that is very different from wild birds.
Suet is such a popular wild bird food that companies such as Wildlife Sciences in Minnetonka, Minn., specialize in it and offer everything from suet cakes, balls and plugs in many different flavors including peanut, sunflower and even mealworms.
Wild bird food runs the gamut from extremely cheap to premium.
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