Sentences with phrase «wild claims like»

yes wild claims like: water condenses out of the atmosphere, C02 does not..
But making wild claims like these (which seems completely unfounded or based on one or two bizarre stories that really have no relevance to the discussion) and generalizing it to an entire group of people shows an ignorance and bias which makes it hard to take you seriously.

Not exact matches

But when you make a wild claim that «they are receiving $ 135K a year in tax deductions» that are «above and beyond any standard deduction or exemptions», it certainly appears to be ignorant of factors like income - based phaseouts that kill the very exemptions you were complaining about.
Last year I read Tom Harpur's book The Pagan Christ, which for a noted academic like Harpur, makes wild claims, yet there is no real historic basis to them, just blind bigotry and prejudice and an extreme liberal licence to make such claims.
If someone has got that evidence... because there are some fairly wild claims being made — then we would certainly like to have it.
Some users claim to have sex dozens of times every month, and that certainly seems like a wild statistic to some people.
Sure, it's very self - congratulatory and makes wild claims (like it was the first show to have flawed doctors and deal with serious medical and social issues... apparently no one making this featurette ever saw «M * A * S * H» or «St. Elsewhere»), but it's neat to watch for the history of the series.
In one of it's savvier moves, Microsoft intentionally (or so it claims) left the USB port on Kinect wide open, so it's simple to hook up to your computer and let your imagination run wild, with hacks and mods for the Kinect including creating music, turning any stick - like object into a light saber, playing the original Super Mario Bros. by running and jumping, and yes, even playing online poker.
«Donovan has morphed the immediate tactility of these seemingly animate metal coils into massive, undulating shapes that rise up from the floor, projecting silver tentacles that reach into all directions, or meander up and across a wall and ceiling like ivy gone wild on a fence, in sinuous arrangements that claim and redefine the architectural spaces that host them.»
The kind that believes utter nonsense like that the sun is made out of iron, volcanoes emit more C02 than humans, there is no greenhouse effect, that the ocean is cooling, sea - level isn't rising, and that legitimate papers that contradict their wild claims actually support them?
«The kind that believes utter nonsense like... that legitimate papers that contradict their wild claims actually support them?»
Like most lawyers, I've had plenty of potential clients walk into my office with a stack of printed statutes and all kinds of wild ideas about the merits of their claims or defenses.
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