Sentences with phrase «wild fires caused»

Additionally, the recent wild fires caused many insurance companies to reassess which homes they will continue to insure.
Wild fires cause millions of dollars of damage each year in California and elsewhere.

Not exact matches

The recently described fungus, Batrachochytrium salamandrivorans, has caused a crash in wild populations of fire salamanders in the Netherlands.
What one can say is that a record hurricane or wild fire is caused by global warming, but that is because without global warming the event would not be a record.
Change in El Nino intensity (As El Nino intensity is in part based on sea surface temperatures, rising temperatures will cause more intense El Ninos causing flooding, droughts, wild fires and famines.
Then due to global warming we instead will see (presumably more than the last century) more hurricanes, wild fires, not nearly as much snow, more drought, a collapse of farming, not nearly as much rain; well unless it COULD make it rain more and cause floods, or snow more... etc, etc..
Wild fires and other natural - born fires have been know to cause lots of damage to automobiles.
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